Originally posted by mm
have you paid ANY attention to world events in the last ten years or just the MTV news headlines in the last few days
saddam has gassed 10\'s of thousands of his OWN people.
refusing to acknowledge that?
or did you just not know it?
please ghettomath, get a fucking clue
Last TEN years is the key here. Saddam gassing his own people was pre 9/11. Post 9/11, when we decided to invade Iraq based on faulty intelligence, Sadaam was nothing. NOTHING. His empired has crumbled.
Didn\'t you watch how easily U.S. troops trampled Baghdad? Didn\'t you see how many missle silos/mobile chemical weapons trucks/Anthrax factories never turned up? Didn\'t you see Saddam after he was removed from his spider hole?
Saddam wasn\'t going to do shit.
He did shit and I thank god he\'s being held for it, but post 9/11 he was no threat. Ever think about why we focused on him instead of Bin Laden? Or have you forgotten about Bin Laden altogether?