Doubt that! Let\'s say for Sony\'s sake that the PS3 controller is comfortable and its design allows for a better gaming experience. There still remains one problem the d-pad is placed where the left analog stick should be.
One more thing I forgot to mention, Sony has stated before in the past couple of months that the PS3 controller is only a mock up design(My feeling is that they forced to make this PR statement in order to soften the blow that the gaming community was hamming on Sony for such a dorky looking controller)
Besides I would not be too worried, even if this Controller ends up being the standard, many 3rd party\'s will do a good job fulfilling our demands for alternative controller designs.
What pisses alot of Americans off is the fact that Japanese game companies craft there controllers with the small japs hand in mind, and have never really taken consideration for the large beef eating, pig sty American whom have much larger hands.
I understand that including 2 different sized controllers in a console is not really in the interests of any game company, however it would be nice if say SONY, M$ and Nintendo were to offer a alternatively sized controller that the consumer would have the choice buying separately the same as when we buy shirts.
Instead we are all forced to conform to one standard size, which for some people works fine, but for others is a pain in the ass.