Unicron has a point. If you played a different game on the Saturn controller, the joystick would all of a sudden suck.
It\'d probably be looser. It might even break clean off. The entire controller would be heavier and sharper and your fingers would bleed in its mere presence. The cord would probably get loose and fall out of the controller and land on your foot, sending a minor current through your leg that, while annoying, was still somewhat pleasurable.
Yeah. He has a point.
Bob, it\'s easier in the dark to pick out a color in the glow of the tv than to squint and notice the letter.
I didn\'t realize the DS2 had colored buttons. I didn\'t check, but in my head they\'re black or dark gray.
Also, from where I was sitting I forget if X comes before Y on the Xbox controller, but I can tell that the button they have to hit is yellow.