Not all of these games used the analog feature of the stick.The stick was used the same way as the d-pad.Just like a stick at the arcade machines WHICH IS NOT ANALOG.
Please go away
And framerate affects control but I guess you didnt know that either
Burning Rangers sucked.Exactly!it was average at best.6.2.Thanks for proving my point
You many times called games that scored 8 and above as being crap so
please stop posting reviews especially when they are not that great.And sue me for not saying what you want to hear.
I am not pulling anything out my ass.Unlike you I am not trying to convince myself that I am a hardcore gamer without being one.
Is that a sega saturn site in the first link?Good luck for finding unbiased information.
Oh and btw from the same link you posted:
"Those looking for the next NiGHTS will have to wait. \'Burning Rangers\' is a let down. Hopefully NiGHTS 2 or the new Sonic game on the Katana will be better."
Yes I am pulling things out of my ass alright.
It seems that you ve spent hours and hours searching all over the internet, trying to proove something even YOU werent sure about.
You read what you wanted to see in these links and ommited other parts.So much for having an opinion of you own eh?
If you are trying to convince me that the controller is great you are wasting your time because I already knew that.