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Author Topic: Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006  (Read 1691 times)

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« on: December 02, 2005, 10:41:50 PM »

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
\"I thought japaneses where less idiot than americans....\" -Adan
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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2005, 11:46:37 PM »
I\'m looking forward to it. Sony has been too quiet during the whole Xbox 360 debacle. I am hoping Sony will have playable demos, finalized hardware specs and lauch dates.

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2005, 05:08:23 AM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
I\'m looking forward to it. Sony has been too quiet during the whole Xbox 360 debacle. I am hoping Sony will have playable demos, finalized hardware specs and lauch dates.

Xbox360 debacle ? Maybe not a stellar launch line up, but overall the launch has
been a succes.

It\'s very much about gaming press media momentum. Some may say (general newspapers actually) don\'t buy Xbox360 NOW, but general consensus is that MS has established a stronger XB installed base.

Atm, i think the consensus is this about Sony and it\'s PS3 :

100 % don\'t know about the console\'s specifics.

Out of that 100% ;

A . 45% remain without judgement, but they can\'t say anymore than anyone about PS3 either

B. 45% has had it with Sony or prefer Xbox360

C. 10% are pure Sony fans.

If Sony doesn\'t show any new concrete PS3 info in January....then group B is gonna grow and group A is gonna shrink. Becuz by then, Xbox360\'s 2nd batch of games is just around the corner.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2005, 09:36:47 AM by Knotter8 »
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Offline FatalXception
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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2005, 06:51:36 AM »
Welcome to last week:

About halfway down

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2005, 08:27:27 AM »
Sorry, I scanned the thread titles but didn\'t bother to do a real search :nerd:

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
\"I thought japaneses where less idiot than americans....\" -Adan
\"When we can press a button to transport our poops from our colon to the toilet, I\'ll be impressed.\" -Gman

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2005, 01:29:18 AM »
Originally posted by Knotter8
Xbox360 debacle ? Maybe not a stellar launch line up, but overall the launch has
been a succes.

It\'s very much about gaming press media momentum. Some may say (general newspapers actually) don\'t buy Xbox360 NOW, but general consensus is that MS has established a stronger XB installed base.

Atm, i think the consensus is this about Sony and it\'s PS3 :

100 % don\'t know about the console\'s specifics.

Out of that 100% ;

A . 45% remain without judgement, but they can\'t say anymore than anyone about PS3 either

B. 45% has had it with Sony or prefer Xbox360

C. 10% are pure Sony fans.

If Sony doesn\'t show any new concrete PS3 info in January....then group B is gonna grow and group A is gonna shrink. Becuz by then, Xbox360\'s 2nd batch of games is just around the corner.

completely disagree. Especially with the 45% has had it with Sony or prefer Xbox360 part.

MS doesn\'t have a iceball\'s chance in hell of gaining much ground on Sony.

it\'s an opinion, but I still view the Xbox 360 launch as a lesson to MS, and boost for Sony.

I only forsee the hardcore gamers clamoring for an Xbox 360, and only diehards will upgrade ot the Xbox 360 instead of wait for the PS3.

When the PS3 is launched we will see over twice the demand. The differnence being Sony will have more then twice as many units ready.

I like MS and there entry into the console market, but the Xbox 360 launch WAS NOT A SUCCESS. Not fiscally, and not media/press wise either becuase all you hear is negative speculation to MS\'s Xbox 360 dillema.

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2005, 05:51:48 AM »
xbox 360 launch = failure

if consumer are selling your product by the
1000\'s for double and triple the retail price, you fucked up somewhere
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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2005, 06:02:52 AM »
Doesn\'t that just show that to some people it\'s even more valuable than you\'d expect?

This launch is not a failure for MS. They made a bunch of systems and then sold them all.

That\'s a success.

Will the system hold a long-term success? Will it gain market share pre-PS3? I don\'t know. But selling out every system you made for launch within the first couple days, that\'s all you could ask for.

And guys like me who already have as many as four games, that\'s a bonus.

And I\'m anything but a diehard MS fan. (Is there such a thing?)

I\'m still sore that the Rare games I\'m playing aren\'t on a Nintendo system. Especially with the obvious influences from Zelda and Mario Sunshine.

The only thing Microsoft could\'ve done better is made like 50,000 more systems. But they either needed to gauge public interest or, more likely, they really did run into problems making so many by launch day.

That kind of manufacturing hiccup is not unlikely and if that\'s what happened, I\'m sure there\'s a few ticked off Microsoft execs.

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2005, 06:26:46 AM »
Hell, Dan, by your method, they could have made 10 consoles, sold them for 4G total, and been a \'success\'.  A successfull launch would be to sell out AND meet demand, or somewhere close to it.  So meeting 1/2 the demand with a very small number of consoles is a bad launch.  Just goes to show that the demand wasn\'t all that high, but with few enough consoles, yeah... it sells out.

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2005, 07:14:51 AM »
Bah there are so many things that define launch like

1)Did it meet expectations?

2)The quality of the product

3)quality of the games


5)if it met the demand

4)were the games easy to found

5)if the consumer was confused which version to buy


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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2005, 07:53:23 AM »
I see your point. I believe that they did have trouble making as many as they wanted. They had pre-orders go unfilled, so it wasn\'t related to demand. And in this sell-out state, the fact that there are no more coming to stores is further indication that there was a problem in manufacturing.

In that respect, yeah, they screwed up.

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2005, 11:37:08 AM »
I don\'t think they were expecting demand to be this big, in fact no one was.  Why are people paying so much to play a handful of mediocre games?

Either way, if I was a company I\'d love to be in MS\'s position right now.  Their marketing/hype campaign seemed to work too well and all they have to worry about now is meeting demand.

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
\"I thought japaneses where less idiot than americans....\" -Adan
\"When we can press a button to transport our poops from our colon to the toilet, I\'ll be impressed.\" -Gman

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2005, 12:14:54 PM »
Originally posted by THX
I don\'t think they were expecting demand to be this big, in fact no one was.  Why are people paying so much to play a handful of mediocre games?

Either way, if I was a company I\'d love to be in MS\'s position right now.  Their marketing/hype campaign seemed to work too well and all they have to worry about now is meeting demand.

yeah people are clamming to get the 360 and all the launch games are blahhh. But I said the samething about ps2. I guess people love new technology.
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Offline BizioEE

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2005, 01:19:12 AM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
I\'m looking forward to it. Sony has been too quiet during the whole Xbox 360 debacle. I am hoping Sony will have playable demos, finalized hardware specs and lauch dates.

the same for me.
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Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

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Sony reserves 12k sq feet for CES 2006
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2005, 05:28:12 AM »
From the store....to eBay.

I guess there was a bigger demand to resell the 360 than there was to own it.
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