Hey, how about we all just bath in eachothers fluids until out skin wrinkles and our pores are filled with eachothers come??? YAEH, That\'s sounds like a fucking terrific idea.
Here\'s a tip. Don\'t get someones semen in your eyes. Do you know what happens? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA?! The semen tries to impregnate your fucking eyeball. Try explaining that to your optometrist.
Guess what? No one gives a fuck, so stop making self-righteous attention seeking threads you fucking Gomez Adams: The Musical backup dancer. Of course I don\'t expect a diarrhea infused orange juice drinking son-of-two strangers to quite understand the 2nd Law of thermodynamics, and how it applies to social relationships, and why entropy is considered a second language to most breakdancing drag-queens in western-Europe.
I\'d love it if you died in the burning wreckage of a dual Aids-awareness/Dolph Lundgren promotional blimp.
4 years isn\'t enough time to fill a 12x12m hole with grotesque remains of your deceased family.
Of course this post took a harsh turn quite early. I\'ll start over:
Yes, I approve of racial-slurs, but only on non-existant melinin-deprived Powder-esque albino\'s but only if they\'re shorter than 5\'7" and weigh more than 3tonnes.
Why then bother with the after dinner-mint. You\'ve got a place with a view. It must be worth money. literally.