I will say that it is a religion that I would not promtoe for the life of me. Every religion, in my opinion, uses guilt as a form of control, but Jehovah Witnesses rely on it more than any other. My mother was raised as one and so was her mother, thankfully, my mother eventually left the religion. I left at an early age and would never go back for the life of me.
I left for various reasons tho\', not only because I questioned their beliefs, but mainly because I question the existance of a God in general.
Oh and as for being "shunned", it depends if you was bapatised or not. If you was and you break the rules, you get "disfellowshiped", which means, you are not to be spoke to by any other Witnesses and you sit in the back. Eventually, the elders (sort of like priests) will have a meeting and decide if you should be brought back in or not. This could take months or even years, and during this time, even your own mother is not suppose to eat at the same table as you. My mother has been disfellowshiped and her mother won\'t eat at the table with her. Go figure. Myself, I was never bapatised, so I couldn\'t be "shunned" or disfellowshiped.