Originally posted by GigaShadow
I don\'t care if it is the longest or shortest. Coldest month of the year??? WTH does that mattter? Oh black people hate cold weather, I forgot. :rolleyes: Since when did one race deserve a whole month to itself? Oh thats right you all have inferiority complex... silly me...
As for Malcolm X :lmao: No Nation of Islam freak will ever get a national holiday - period. There are many other people through our history who have done much greater things than either MLK or Malcolm X. The PC police have already gotten rid of Lincoln\'s and Washington\'s holidays by condensing them into "President\'s Day", which isn\'t observed by many people, yet we have MLK day off??? WTF?
But our strength, as Richburg points out, comes from real principles: tolerance, brotherhood, hard work, personal responsibility, equality before the law. If Americans really cared about racial healing, they would focus on those ideas -- and not on a made-up rite that mistakes segregationism for spirituality and fiction for history."
hispanics and other races i believe also have a month dedicated to them,...you just don\'t hear about it as much as african american month,...and giga i didn\'t need the history lesson, tho that was an interesting read, i only stated that since everybody in their moma has a holiday, you shouldn\'t just pull out kwanza out of all of \'em...i\'ve never celebrated kwanza and probably never will, you might as well say that about hanakah (spell) as well, but i\'m sure you will give that some sort of signifigance..it doesn\'t matter to me really,...i just had to say something since you pulled out kwannza outta the bunch...
as far as malcolm x is concerned, yea i was kidding about the holiday as he was a bit raw for him to be given holiday, even tho i did agree with his tactics.."an eye for an eye"...were there other people deserving of a holiday other than mlk?, probably but the 60\'s was a huge turning point for civil rights and african americans...and quite honestly the 60\'s weren\'t that long ago...as far as the african nation in general?..i don\'t buy into all that "let\'s go back to the motherland s**t"...in that context it all goes back to responsibility...it\'s all relative,..to this day i don\'t understand why those countries continue to fight amongst themselves and kill each-other, but like i stated in that thread started by "THX\'s gangster thread"....i can go into tha hood and see african americans or at least hear about them killin\' one another over dumb s**t...
you\'re about to put me on a soapbox giga, but it\'s kind of double edged sword,..alot of black folk will say,..."well how do you think these drugs and guns got into our neighborhoods?..yea the white folk put them there"...which is true to some extent, ..but that doesn\'t mean you have to use the drugs or that gun...yea i know it\'s easier said than done,..because me personally in my youth, i use to hustle cocainne,...and trust i can easily see how many people can get hooked on usin it and selling it... for me at the time i was 17 and makin close to 2000 a week... for a 17 yr old that was like heaven,..but even i got caught up in that drug game and ultimately i had to let it go...so when all is said and done giga i ultimately agree with your last paragragh, where it talks of equality and responsilbilty,...we still as a nation has some ways to go as far as equality, but i agree that people should be held accountable for the actions in whatever they do.....