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Author Topic: My theories on Aliens and such  (Read 1665 times)

Offline G-R
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My theories on Aliens and such
« on: December 02, 2000, 02:53:34 PM »
Me and my friend got to talking about what happened after you die and stuff, and then we thought this could be an explanation (probably not, but you never know)

Well, we came up with the idea, that when you die, your \'spirit\' goes to another planet/universe and this may account for why these other beings are able to space travel if infact they do and are real.

You see, there\'d all be these really brainy people who can carry on their experiments and such and find ways of space travel, because they\'d have remembered everything from their previous life. Like reincarnation. And this also could account for reincarnations in earth. There could have been some sort of problem and the person get\'s put on earth and not on another planet.


Just something we came up with.

Offline ddaryl
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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2000, 06:36:57 PM »
You and your buddy smoke alot of weed.

deep dude, real deep

I always though of Earth as an alien experiment, Just like in Mission to Mars which I must say I had that theory 10 years ago and they stole it from me.

They dropped some organic cells into earth\'s primitive oceans and just sat back and watched the earth or a new world evolve on its own.

The experiment to end all experiments

Kind of like Sea Monkeys but on a slightly larger scale

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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2000, 06:44:21 PM »
Hey ddaryl check this thread out
and read some of my wacky theories.I seems we agree:)
I recently discovered that my ass is the key to the universe.....now I must fight to protect my ass from those who might abuse it!!!

Offline G-R
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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2000, 02:08:51 AM »
Nah, we don\'t do weed, at least I don\'t:o

We were at camp the last week as 6th form leaders, and we were out doing our patrols and I said "Man, it would be fucen scary if we saw a UFO just go there and hover" then it went onto the whole theory of that.

Another one I have, is that when we die, our spirit gets reincarnated into animals and plants etc, and sometime it messes up and people come back as humans.

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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2000, 10:44:34 PM »
G-R: Yes, your spirit(actually it\'s not really a correct term since when you\'re reborn/re-incarnated, you\'re actually the same and yet you\'re not the same you as before) does goes into other realms including those of animals or even life elsewhere.(not plants though, sorry!)

actually this principle confirms to the theory that energy is never destroyed and simple converts to another form.

And in context, lifesource is a form of energy.

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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2000, 11:17:46 PM »
Read "Transformation" by Whitley Streiber. It sounds alot like your theory except that, according to him, we don\'t get reincarnated as plants & animals & stuff. We are what we are.. human spirits taking control of physical bodies for a short time in order to learn what we need for life afterwards. When we cross over, we enter the Visitors reality and go on from there. The difference between them and us, is that they can enter and leave their bodies at will.. whereas we have to stay in ours until it dies. The reason we cannot remember past lives is because if we didn\'t learn the proper lessons in our previous lives, we are "Held Back" and must try again from scratch. (Kinda goes along with Buddism huh?)

I don\'t personally believe it, but he says he\'s heard it FROM them durring one of his nourmerous abductions.
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Offline Darth Joyda
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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2000, 04:39:49 AM »
what if there\'s no certain place after death? just a resting place so you can wait/deside when to born again to this very world. You can select to what family to what era and so on.

Or then you can\'t choose, you just born again when u die.

Because I\'ve had strange deja-vus not from this life, I\'m certain!

And I seem to remember things that aren\'t me... but maybe that\'s my imagination.

But who knows? I believe that there\'s a place after death that we go into ( i. e. Heaven, as we call it ), but you can deside whether to born again ( if you want to learn more about life ) or just rest there in forever Peace.

But aliens...

Well, maybe they\'re humans that are re-born hundred of times and become so intelligent that they aren\'t human anymore ;)

Oh and I\'m not in drugs. This is just my crazy imagination.

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Offline CygnusXI
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My thought.........................................................
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2000, 05:51:05 AM »
There was a war in heaven. Lucifer rebeled against God. There were alot of "fence-sitters" who chose no side. Those fence-sitters are US. Now, on earth we must once and for all choose a side. No middle anymore.

--Lucifer was given dominion over the 1st and second heavens. This is described as Earth and space.

--Since "L" has dominion (control) over space, I believe UFO\'s are demonic angels. Remember, demons can take any form, except human, therefore "Aliens" look so-close to us....but not quite.

One more thing. That\'s another reason I get upset at people who blame God for all the crappy things that go on here on Earth. Remember, Lucifer asked Jesus to bow down before him and he(L) would give him all this (He spreads his arms wide) in exchange. Yes, old L is in control of this earth with a restraining hand of Gods Holy Spirit.

....But that Spirit will be removed one day...

Well, that\'s my deep thought for the day. If you disagree, fine. I\'m not debating or trying to convert anyone. Just throwing my two-cents up here with others. Peace:):)
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Offline Darth Joyda
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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2000, 11:28:23 AM »
That\'s wise, CygnusX. Really. Good theory ;)

I had to post this. So good your post was.

It could be just like that.

Because Lucifer was an angel but got greedy. And greed is the worst sin of human kind. Now Lucifer rules this earth and space; tries to get us ( and this has nothing to do with God! In the Book of Revelation says that God gave Earth and Space for Devil to rule \'til the day of doom when Devil is casted to a lake of forever fire. Lucifer knows he\'s going to lose. But as evil and greedy as he is, he wants to build as big kingdom as possible. And it seems that eventually big L\'s kingdom will be bigger than God\'s... But it is US that decide the side. Remember the text that wisely tells this? The Party-host and quests.

The Party-host decides to make a great party. He invites all people from the town he lives in. But only few arrive, other ones have some reasons why they didn\'t. Party-host got really angry and shut the doors in the night.

Wise. Amazing if someone has made up bible. It\'s so full of wonderful and amazingly wise text. But you don\'t have to believe it 100 prosently. OF course you can have your own opinions.

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Offline CygnusXI
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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2000, 11:35:00 AM »
So good your post was.

I love it Joyda, now you\'re talking like your picture--you are;)

FFXI Trebcyggy, Unicorn
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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2000, 01:39:27 PM »
Well I really don\'t feel to write up my theories again so I\'ll just post a link to the thread.

I posted 2 on the 1st and the 2nd page.
I recently discovered that my ass is the key to the universe.....now I must fight to protect my ass from those who might abuse it!!!

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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2000, 06:53:58 PM »
I don\'t know what religeon you were raised with, but I\'m a Catholic (Unorthadox by choice), and I\'ve never heard of some of this stuff from my pastor. What religeon are you getting this from?

"Because Lucifer was an angel but got greedy. And greed is the worst sin of human kind."

Actually, all of the Ten commandments are equally important except for the the first one. That\'s the main one. "I am the lord thy god. Thou shalt have no strange gods before me." Basically what that says, is that if you reject god, you reject all his other teachings as well... including the ten commandments. Greed falls under numbers 7 & 8 (I think), "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions" "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor\'s wife." So no, I\'d say rejecting god is the worst sin of human kind.

(Not to say that the Catholic god is the only face god shows to all different cultures. This is part of where my unorthadox beliefs come in. I think it\'s more pleasurable in god\'s eyes to accept people of other denominations for who they are and what they believe than to try converting them with threats of eternal damnation or bodily harm.)

"Now Lucifer rules this earth and space; tries to get us ( and this has nothing to do with God! In the Book of Revelation says that God gave Earth and Space for Devil to rule \'til the day of doom when Devil is casted to a lake of forever fire."

Actually, God cast lucifer into the pit and shackled him for a thousand years. At the end of which he is released and a great war will erupt in both the heavens and earth. This is not judgement day however, since there will be a thousand years of peace before the rapture and the final end. Yet this is very subjective since how do we know how god measure\'s time? He created time, and it may be VERY subjective to his whim. (I.E. The earth and all the heavens being created in six days. Six days to him, but billions of years to us.) The thousand years of peace could come at some point in the future, or may have already passed assuming he meant heaven and not earth.

"Amazing if someone has made up bible. It\'s so full of wonderful and amazingly wise text. But you don\'t have to believe it 100 prosently. OF course you can have your own opinions."

I think it\'s a mixture of both actually. I think the bible is a wonderful book, and if not true.. at least a very good guide to how you should live for yourself and your fellow man provided you read between the lines. What I mean is, for thousands of years, the bible has stood as an AMAZINGLY powerful social and spiritual tool for change. Governments of yore relied on the church to give them the power over their subjects. It\'s the earliest and most well documented form of mind control. Remember that old addage, "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Often, ancient rulers would change the bible to suit their needs and to give them "Absolute" power.

It\'s already happened once if you believe in the Christian faith. God sent Jesus to earth in order to teach us his true word, rather than the polluted "Rewritten" word the leaders of the Samhedrian(Sp?) were teaching in their synagogs. Our bible says the god hates Homosexuals, and the bible thumpers defend even that text with their lives. However, couldn\'t those lines have actually been written by a homophobic priest who was trying to save his queer leige some dignity? After all, if the church supports the King, and the Church hates gays.. how can the king be gay? Now ask yourself this. Do you really think Jesus, the man who not only saved the life of Mary Magdalin.. a street whore, but also gave her the honor of anointing his body after his crucifiction, would pick up a stone to cast at a homo? The same man who walked and preached, not with the righteous, but with the sinners.. the murderers and thieves, would do such a thing?

We have no way of knowing what was actually written down by his disiphles(Sp?) after his death since none of those original texts exist anymore. They have all been rewritten, and thus subject to change. Even his own disiples could have tainted his word since they are all men, and thus subject to interpretation. So in a nutshell, I guess you really have to read between the lines when reading the bible. That\'s the only way to get around the interpretations, revisions, hypocracy, and embelishments. Take what you want out of context, but always be aware of what god\'s ture message is, what the over all message of the bible is. Love God, Love Your Neighbor, Love Yourself. Use and learn everything that\'s good about the bible, and cast out the hatred and predudices.

Anyhow, that\'s just my belief. It\'s worked for me so far, and if it helps anyone else make sence of the book, I\'m glad. Ultimately though, you cannot rely on any one belief or institution to just hand you a relationship with god. That\'s not what what Religeon is for. Religeon is only a crutch, a tool, to help you form your own PERSONAL relationship to god (Whomever that may be to you). After all.. when you die.. dosen\'t it all come down to just you and him?

Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
Plane Crash <-- moe. (Listen to while staring at Heat\'s Avvy.)
PSO Ep I & II~ Tesla: LvL 101 HUmar |Sinue: LvL 32 RAcaseal |Mana: LvL 52 FOnewearl |Malice: LvL 42 RAmarl

Offline Darth Joyda
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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2000, 07:58:07 AM »
Nice, SonyFan. Good and Wise, I see, your post was.

But Greed, let me tell. The ten commands tell of it, does, yes hmmm...

But as humans, we are, we want money, the pricy paper. We don\'t think about life, no no. Greed leads to Competition. Competition leads to Hate. Hate leads to war. Get it, do you?

I like talking Yoda. But, as Joyda I am, of course I do ;)
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Offline Jumpman

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My theories on Aliens and such
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2004, 09:11:32 AM »
Gd Joyda sucked.
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.


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