actually, the LP deluxe is supposed to have mini (p-90) humbuckers in it. These are standard 496R & 500T gibson humbuckers (with the covers removed) that somebody along the way had installed (routing out the body, etc...) The serial # is consistent with a LP deluxe, tho. I\'ve owned this guitar for about 10 years.
I love Ludwig kits. I\'d love to get one with the huge bass drum, ala Zeppelin. I used to have an old Slingerland kit, Orange sparkle. I sold it to a dude, and he ended up selling it to the drummer of weezer. It was funny, \'cos when we played with them, I was like, "holy shit, I had the same kit!" then we figured it out. Small world.
Oh, and I highly recommend the Pod. All I can say is, WOW! Sounds so like the real thing, I feel like a retard hauling out the Twin & miking it. ( but I still do...) It\'s great for trying out different sounds, I usually end up keeping some of them.