Originally posted by hyper
Ignoring everything that opposes conservative bigotry. Typical of a right-wing nutjob.
And you are a typical leftwing moonbat. Because it doesn\'t fall in line with your beliefs it is full of bigotry? Well I have some bigotry for you - keep reading.
Originally posted by hyper
Read between the lines, old man. Did I ever say I wanted to take away the powers given to the government? No. I merely suggested that its policies be mandated through the proper channels of checks and balances and judicial review in order to minimize abuse. *smacks forehead* Oh, I forgot! You don\'t know what separation of powers means! Homeland security has censored it from your fucking brain.
And this has effected you how???? Homeland Security... hmmm your comment sounds a lot like that certifiable idiot Harry Belifonte.
Originally posted by hyper
How much has this affected me? Very little. Why you think this is relevant? I have no fucking clue.
Exactly, you don\'t have a fucking clue.
Originally posted by hyper
About the FISA issue. Yeah, we never hear of the ones that are denied... because there have only been four.
Unplug the presidential dick from your ass, old man. Perhaps it will clear up your mind and help you see that your beloved idol can be WRONG.
Anytime someone agrees with a Bush policy he is automatically their idol? You automatically assume because someone does so they agree with everything Bush does. You have shown your true colors here hyper. You are as stupid as Mystiq and you have proven that this isn\'t about "macro government" it is about Bush - thanks for finally admitting that.
Originally posted by hyper
You, seeing more of the world than I have? Newsflash, bigot. I\'ve lived in South Korea for 10 years, which means I\'ve covered the other side of the world far longer than your ineffectual life is capable of. And considering I attend Stanford, surrounded by people from all over the globe and by experts in every field, my cosmopolitanism will always exceed yours.
Since you are ranting on about my age and where I live it is time to fire back at you with some of your tactics. I am assuming you are South Korean and if this is the case I have lived there myself. That country is the foulest, dirtiest, shithole I have ever lived in and I have lived all over the world - Europe, Asia, the Middle East. There is nothing worldly or charming about South Korea.
Your claim that Stanford is the center of enlightenment and education is laughable. Most of my education from highschool onward comes from the North East - where the best schools and colleges are. I went to prep school in New England and spent most of my life in that area. Sure I completed college in the South East, but then again who the fuck cares? Where you go to college doesn\'t mean shit and if you haven\'t figured that out yet, you are in for a rude awakening.
Now go back to eating your Kimchi and STFU about my age and my background and where I happen to live now you racist hypocritical fuckhead. Don\'t like it do you? You know nothing of either and you don\'t know my true political beliefs as is evident by your claims I view Bush a God. I normally like people of all colors unless they cop an attitude, but the underlying message I am getting from your posts is one of racism, which is not suprising given that most liberals are the most racist people in this country and they don\'t even realize it.
Originally posted by hyper
Be that as it may, it\'s not where you\'ve been, it\'s how much you know. You obviously stick exclusively with the right, absorbing all its literature and propaganda without even considering once to question its validity. Although I may lean to the left, I am always prepared to hear what the other side has to say, which is why I supported the Iraq war.
I\'ve told you before, old man, that the world is not black and white. It\'s well past time you learned this.
Blah blah blah more Howard Dean talking points... :gay: You have proven my point in that this whole thing about Bush and Republicans and not about what is right and best for this country. If a Democrat was doing this you wouldn\'t hear me whining about it and I bet I wouldn\'t hear you and others complaining either. As you have stated this hasn\'t effected you at all. This is has been going on for years and you haven\'t noticed a thing personally. Not until the NYT publishes it do you have a problem with it claiming it is erroding our civil liberties and harming Americans.
Taking this away along with the Patriot Act would only leave our country more vulnerable to attack and it seems you are comfortable with this. There is no viable option that critics to this have proposed - NONE. Until one of you enlightened progressives can come up with a better idea that will keep our country safe, shut up and stop trying to undermine our national security. I am listening and hearing the same thing I have heard for the past four years from the left - "It is Bush\'s fault, Bush is evil, Bush is Hitler", etc...
Just maybe if the left would actually propose ideas instead of attacking one man and making everything about partisan politics - this country would actually start moving forward again.