Originally posted by juslight
this one?
I want to like the show, but I get upset thinking that it is turning into a never-ending soap opera.
It dangles the carrot of an answer to it all, but only creates more questions.
Kind of like pharmecutical companies, they\'ll find a way ot ease those symptoms, but there isn\'t much money to be made with the cure.
The Lost has been one of the best shows on TV IMO, If the writers were to solve the mystery sooner, well that just means less advertising $$$ for the network.
There going to milk Lost until they can not wring another dime out of it. Eventually the storyline will get bogged down by its own heavy weight, and the show will then come to its end.
How long this takes is on the writers shoulders, clever writing can keep this thing going for a decade. Crappy writing could have us seeing the finale by end of next season.
So far they seem to be placing clues and new plotlines into the show in creative fashion. The show still seems to break some new ground, but I agree it is starting to become monetenous at points