More flexing of muscles by iran?.."One Israeli Cabinet member, Shaul Mofaz, recently said the Jewish state "will attack" Iran if it did not halt its efforts to develop nuclear weaponry,"
^^^I still don\'t fully trust iran on havin\' nukes,...just based on the fact in how some extremists are willing to die for the cause in a heartbeat, with no regard for human life imagine iran with a nuke,..and somebody just happens to piss them off....i don\'t necessarily think that they would push the button for anything,...but i do think if they had a nuke, it wouldn\'t take much & they would talk alot more s**t than they are doin\' now.
But the above statement is a bit concerning as well,...i somehow just don\'t like the way how israel also pops s**t and is more vocal, if only for the fact that they know the u.s. has their back....i don\'t think it\'s really wise to be talkin\' like that....i\'m still kinda shocked that they got away with bombing syria a few months the end of the day tho,...i agree with everybody here..*yes even you giga*...
in that iran shouldn\'t have nukes,...& i truly would like to give them the benefit of the doubt,..just because i really don\'t like other countries telling other countries what to do, this case tho,..i think it\'s justified.