Hey, can anyone here change my name?
Thameca: i would vote for mccain
Thameca: but that depends upon the democratic candidate
Ranced: you know who would be the best president of all time?
Ranced: The Rock
Thameca: haha
Ranced: lets be honest
Ranced: who the fuck would not vote for the Rock
Thameca: i can\'t think of anyone who wouldn\'t
Ranced: and Vice President Stone Cold Steve Austin
Thameca: hahaha
Thameca: how the rock would pick his vice president would be a cage match
Ranced: hahaha
Ranced: Mr President, What is Americas exit strategy in Iraq?
Ranced: "whats your name"
Ranced: "Its Joh-"
Thameca: hahahaha
Ranced: "All that matters is that you know this. Once we are confident that the army has trained the Iraqi army to defend themselves, all the smoke is cleared"
Ranced: "Alll the millions.............................. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand millions of the Rocks Fans are through chanting his name"
Thameca: hahahaha
Thameca: this is probably the best idea i\'ve ever heard