So....I\'m a casual gamer because I think MGS is boring and the story sucks. Ah..
For the record, the story does suck. It is just proof that Kojima, while may be talented, should never attempt to direct a movie. If you want to argue about Kojima producing a game that value, then at least bring up his masterpiece, which is \'Snatcher\'. If anything, the casual gamer is the one who jumps on the MGS bandwagon and praises Kojima to no end without knowing about his past games.
Oh and MGS2 = The bigger suck. That story was a diaster .
* Sigh * you guys derail the point i was trying to make. I brought up the \'MGS fans\' as an example to illustrate the kind of gamer who might not be occupied with gaming in exactly the same way as hardcore gamers were with games of the pre-16 bit era.
(in 1987 I sometimes played Metal Gear on MSX and at that time i thought it did suck, a bit. of course, i was at the age of 9 back then, which makes a bit of a difference)
I just pointed out to the theories on JunkerHQ to let ppl see that there are indeed interesting social, intellectual, moral issues woven into MGS1 & MGS2\'s story message and, too some extent of succes ; into the plot.
I never claimed MGS2 is the ultimate hardcore game (personally, imho MGS2 is a flawed masterpiece) nor did i claim MGS fans are ultra intellectual hardcore gamers ; but they are surely NO casual gamers.
Imo, Konami games like MGS2, SH2 made alot of ppl think & be interested in topics like ; government control, euthanasia, human heritage, the USA - Russia weapon/space race, etc.
Casual gamers who play some \'fun\' game for a couple of 45 minutes sessions a week, will NOT get the incentive to research into such stuff, simply becuz those games do not trigger that.
My point is that games ...such as MGS, are more likely to include such aspects outside of \'vintage\' gaming ; which in turn evolves & enriches gaming & it\'s audience itself.