5)You imply that new gamers or even casual gamers cant understand many aspects of the story when the truth is that many times they can understand more than what some hardcore gamers can in MGS2.
6)You imply that new gamers cant be hardcore just because they never got the chance to play old games
1: I never implied any of that.
I simply said that if anything, the mass consumer is the one who jumps on the Kojima bandwagon. Why is that? Because that is the most popular game. I also never said that the mass consumer couldn\'t understand the story, I simply said the story was trash.
I also never implied that just because you didn\'t play the old games you can\'t be "hardcore", tho\' it certainly gives you \'street cred\' (

). I will say that I don\'t take someone serious if they haven\'t played the classics and got into gaming durin\' the 32-bit era.
As for "not getting it"? What is there to get? It had good graphics, original game design and a crap story. I get it . If you like that nonsense story and runnin\' around in stealth, it\'s great game, but for me, a run\'n\'gun guy, it bored me to tears, which is the reason I traded it for my very first VHS porno.
You\'re grasping at straws, which is common for you.
Imo, Konami games like MGS2, SH2 made alot of ppl think & be interested in topics like ; government control, euthanasia, human heritage, the USA - Russia weapon/space race, etc.
If MGS2 made you interested in goverment control, well then I\'d hate to see what other "flawed masterpieces" like \'The Matrix\' does for you.
Oh and PS.
Uni, you\'re the very essence of the mass consumer.