I have to do an essay about issues on college campuses and what i\'d do to fix it. Everyone was doing the obvious binge drinking bs, and i had to pick the topic pretty quickly, so i did public smoking on campus.
At my school (san diego state) you cant smoke unless you\'re 20 feet from a building, or near entrences/exits; but everywhere else its alright to smoke. Theres only 2 places that are forbidden from smoking and they arent that big, and smoke can pretty easily get in it if you smoke outside of them. So im pretty much saying to switch it around and make areas for smokers and have the majority of the campus be non-smoking. (im not that adament about the topic..would be nice, but i just picked the topic for an essay..not going to go around getting petitions signed)
Anyway, for smokers, how do restrictions make you feel?..too tired to think of another way to say the question in a non-gay way. Do you get pissed off? or do you live with it and it doesnt really bother you?
None of the people i talk to smoke, so i came here since its the only forum i post at..rough draft is due friday..