I think Sony just handed Microsoft and Nintendo some sizeable chunks of the video game market. Casuals make up Sony\'s sales...and Sony just sent a big "Fuck you" to all of them. No doubt the hardcore Sonyphiles are going to eat this up, and I also have no reservations saying the system will be wanted by\'s just that I seriously question how many will spend $500 on a crippled blu-ray player and a video game system that shows no difference in graphic fidelity to the cheaper 360. I suppose we\'ll see but in the mean time I have to bring up several points...more mud slinging than anything, but I just have to.
First off, I think every single one of you criticized Microsoft\'s 2 sku approach. In fact, I believe many of you said Microsoft fucked up and would only confuse consumers. Now Sony has 2 sku\'s, but worse is that the hardware is so different. At least Microsoft made it so you could upgrade to the Premium version. Sony\'s decision won\'t affect gameplay, but where is the upgrade path? If you get the "tard PS3" you\'re stuck with it and the lack of features.
Kutaragi said it would not be over $399, that they would not have more than one sku, that it was twice as powerful as the 360. It\'s a fair amount more than $400, there are two sku\'s, and the games shown thus far look just like 360 games.
It\'s all too funny. I saw it coming. I love it.