the price is pretty steep for a console, but the more i think about it..i\'m sure come launch date this thing is gonna fly off the shelves. i probably won\'t get one at launch, but i know i will definitely get one,..hell people said they wouldn\'t pay for gas if it went over $2.00..low and behold gas is over 3.00 and rising...yes i know gas is a necessity but the way people are spending money these days, even with the economy and gas prices, people are still spending money on the latest and greatest... and even tho the price will be a concern for some, i feel for the majority, it won\'t be an issue...
i\'m getting a bit tired now, but the more i think about it, the more i think sony probably could have released this thing at 399 and be real competitive or be even more aggressive and release it at 299...i wonder what would happen if they released the top model at 299? i know it won\'t happen, but i kinda feel they squandered a bit with the price and as some people have stated, graphic capabilities are about the same on both systems so what is sony really offereing other than blu- ray? i honestly don\'t care about wifi or any of that other stuff as long as it was backwards compatiable i was pretty much satisfied.
i hate to sound like a broken record but all that superior tech means nothing it the games are the same on both systems. i\'m not afraid to admit i\'m more of a sony fan, and i wanna see them do well, but i really haven\'t seen anything that tops gears of war, and while i know that graphics aren\'t everything, i just don\'t like the fact that sony followed microsoft\'s example of two different consoles, really had the opportunity to shine in price and really destroy the competition, but who knows, it seems sony ends up being over-ambitious in trying to be the all in one i\'m gettin tired...i think i\'m startin to just yap about nothin\' as a matter of fact i know i\'am..5:20 am....