I have been playing this game for 2 weeks,
alas, the stuttering & laggings have dampen my willpower to carry on.This is not just an ordinary, ocassional stutterings we are talking about.Its frame skipping trauma where i have to wait 1/2 a second or more when traversing the road a million times.The worse case happens in the area just outside of Skingrad.
Previously,I expected that the hardrive can clear this problem, but it didn\'t.I even clear the cache every time when i boot the system.
Why do the developers fail to prioritize gameplay over graphics?.I would rather have a jaggie Oblivion with 2d trees(without wind) running smoothly without the horrible stutterings. Heck, even the psx Kings Field runs without lag and demonstrate smooth combat.How am i suppose to do combat in this stuttering state? They should have put the game "text based only" in order to save the framerate & the game.
I bought a 360 just to play Oblivion,it seems that the game delivers only half of its promise, i think i would be keeping the 360 in the cupboard for a while until another great game emerges.Im thinking of releasing my ps2 to roar once again, that Dawn Of Dreams,Onimusha with its multiple character customization mode,sleak fighting looks tempting.
Good day mate!