Lois sucked. She was probably the biggest downer in this film. She\'s just a terrible actress and was mis-cast for this role. It\'s like they spent all their time casting Superman and finding the leading man that they forgot that they needed to cast a CAST of characters and not a single role.
Regardless of that, it was a pretty good film. Superman was perfect except for his stalking Lois bits. Just a little too... I dunno. Something about that bothered me. It didn\'t fit well into the character. It\'s kinda like Batman smiling... It just doesn\'t happen.
Everyone should know by now this movie is more remake then it is an actual original sequal. The main plot, the villain, everything was pretty much recycled right down to Superman flying off into outer space in the end. Though that annoys me, it also pleases me as it\'s something that gets people refamiliar with the character again as most people casually going to movies and kids had probably never seen the original Superman film. I just can\'t wait for the next one as now, with the characters established, we can finally kick it up a notch, introduce a villain that can cause some real destruction (and not just bore me with endless camp) and produce a fight genuinely worth watching.