He\'s not my favourite whiney ass.
And speaking of which, I\'ve been experiencing some unusual happenings of late in regards to my own rear-end. After falling down 3 flights of stairs the other afternoon, I noticed that I was completely paralysed from the shoes down. I decided I should see a doctor almost immediately (after House finished, and I gobbled down the last remnants of a 6 year-old vegetarian burrito with beef, turkey, chicken, fish, pork, and my own feces preserved in a diaper from when I was just a wee lad of 15 years old - oh, I also showered, shaved and ate 3 more burritos and spent 15 minutes playing with my cumerbund). On the way, I wa stopped by 12 youths dressed in tight leather who asked me if I would like to try some of their Gaterade. Now, I wasn\'t particularly thirsty, but there was something inviting in the way they spoke to me. Their constantly making gestures of familiarity by touching my arm, groping my now elongated penis and laughing whenever I mentioned the word "emulsify". Hahaha, oh how we laughed when I explained to them how to make mayonaise! Regardless, I woke up in a dumpster covered in presumably (someone elses) pubic hair.
To cut a short story long, I next went to shit and blew out a massive stream of milky discharge. It tasted a little bitter, and a little bit like my own poo. The doctor laughed at me and mentioned something about "sherpes" or something. I don\'t know he had a lisp. Does anyone know what may have happens.
I also left some potatos boiling in a pot before I left. They burnt to shit. Anyone have some spare potatos.
I\'m so lonely.
And a little aroused.
But mostly I\'m around.
And a little FANTASTIC.
heh. Emulsify.