Are PC games still guilty with expansion paks? Xbox and PS3 are going to be in the same boat on this one, too, as is Nintendo depending on how they set up their online interface.
The sad truth is it makes good business sense. It just sucks that customers could be slighted for it.
Yeah, expansion packs are in general, consumer wise, idiotic. If they was priced at maybe $10 dollars, I could see it, but paying almost full price for an expansion , that usually includes three or four levels and a new weapon, well, it\'s insane.
I remember back durin\' Quake all the expansion packs. I was guilty of buying every single one that I could get my hands on. Same with Duke Nukem. Now that I look back on it, I can\'t remember one single thing about those add-ons, \'cept for maybe the railgun in Quake. Level wise and content wise, it was all unremarkable. And that sums up expansions in general, unremarkable.