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Not really. Pretty much a flawless human here. I\'m basically the peak of human evolution you might say. Athletic, genius level intellect, gorgeously good looking, quality chick magnet(not soaking in the fatties like Titan) amazing at virtually everything I try to do... peeeeeerfection in other words. I\'m not even full of myself since it\'s an accepted truth like the law of gravity. You could argue the point that I\'m not even a human being, technically. I\'m basically half man, half amazing.In any event, what I said shouldn\'t deter your road to redemption. Picture me as a Christ like figure guiding your way to the path of personal enlightment. If it helps, then the creator of all creation itself, since I do have that kind of omnipresence thing going on.
Well then jump man may i shake your pefect friggin hand there sir. Never met a perfect person before. Last i checked there was only one and they murdered him 2000 years ago.
LOL. Nice comeback.:applause:
Whhy thiank you. I pug a lot of thought into my comebacks
Are you drunk again?
Well tuesday morning is the date for my next surgery.I get the next beclofen pump put in to control the spasms in my leg.