define 199$ worth over previous generation, please.
if graphics aren\'t important, why not a wii controller for the GC?
and what happens when someone plugs a wii into a 720P widescreen TV? yum, black bars.....
feel free to not reply to these questions, LIC. thanks
Well, most likely, MM\'s grasps what the Wii platfrom encompasses ;
an established developing platform for new user interface based gaming, the whole virtual console backwards compatibility and last but not least, the new styling.
Of course, his argument is a smart counter argument against those of others who needlessly slam other consoles for having graphics as one of the main selling points.
If \'graphics\' is totally not their console criteria and they keep stressing this point ; then it\'s equally reasonable to question why GameCube + new controller wouldn\'t be a viable option.
It\'s argumenting matter of principle.