I still play super mario all stars on super nintendo such as super mario 3, super mario 2, and even super mario world. They are awesome 2-D sidescrolling games back in the day and I still play them to this day with my nephew and nieces whenever I am bored. They are still addicted as they are simple and the gameplay is fun.
Had Nintendo use a CD-ROM base for Nintendo 64, they probably would have beaten Sony PlayStation back in the days and Squaresoft wouldn\'t have left them. Nintendo do make great 2-D side scrolling games like Mario, but nintendo can be quite stuck up and strict, like sticking up with using cartridges instead of optical disc for storage, and 2nd is not allowing developers to make violent games with blood, gore, and stuff. Because of their stuck up using cartridges is the reason why Square ditch them and go for Sony PlayStation.
I find that PlayStation consoles more versatile than Nintendo game systems as PlayStation 2 is the first console in history that is backward with PlayStation One games, and the first console in history to include a DVD-ROM drive.
I have the feeling that PlayStation 3 will be the winner in this generation as they still have the most 3rd parties support than Nintendo, and of course, including a Blu Ray drive shouldn\'t hurt either as it should helps in the long run. Look at Sega Dreamcast, it was the first cheapest console last generation, and by the time ps2 comes out, Dreamcast was selling at half the price tag of ps2 and looks what happened to DC. DC starts to have poor 3rd party supports, and even a $50 price tag couldn\'t save it either. How about Nintendo gamecube? Well, they cost $100 less than playstation 2 when launched, but it didn\'t help bring Nintendo back to #1 position either.
So, I do agree PS3 with a $500 to $600 is expensive. Mostly have to do with Blu ray drive, but I don\'t think that will stop it from being number 1 again. Only financially secure and hardcore gamers buy first generation consoles, as by the time 2nd or 3rd generation roll out, the price of ps3 will be drop to a reasonable level for many of those like me who won\'t get one until a price drop and more library of games. The only downside to that is waiting.