I think LiC took up with a troll sometime in the last few months, and there\'s some DNA seepage, it seems like he\'s making more and more outrageous viewpoints his own, and arguing in every thread he posts in.
That said, MGS is an amazing game, which really created a whole new gametype (splinter cell, thief, MGS). Even if it\'s not \'your type\' of game, you should be able to be objective enough to recognize it\'s innovation and popularity.
The FF series has something in it for almost any RPG player, whether you like the early ones or the later ones, but to say it\'s the worst franchise is way off. I\'ve liked pretty much all the FF series except for X-II and XI (don\'t like MMORPGs anymore), and while the FMV can be a bit distracting, it\'s also a great way to mix some movie-style narration into a game.