What\'s up? Long time no see. Hopefully at least some of you guys still remember me. For those who don\'t remember me, I used to write for Psx2Central back when there was a site and all that jazz.
I\'ll admit it, I\'m a schmuck for not coming by more. But, I have an excuse. I\'ve been busy with a full-time job traveling (crossing of 45 of 50 states) and pursuing my writing over at psxextreme.com and gaminghorizon.com.
So my big news is that I have been hired by Gamespot as their newest associate editor. It\'s a full-time gig working in their San Francisco offices. I don\'t start in the office until Sept 18th, but I\'ve done my first review for them and have a few more I\'m working on. You can check it out here if you want:
http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/driving/worldracing2/review.html?sid=6156909&tag=recent_updates;title;2Psx2Central is where I got my start. Bjorn found my first review on GameFaqs (FIFA Soccer for the Japanese PS2) and asked me if I wanted to join the site. I dreamed of one day making it a career, but never really thought it would happen, but for some reason, I just kept working at it, and now I\'ve done it.
So I just wanted to thank everyone that made this site great back in the day, and thank you for always being cool to me.