Yes! Well, what really pushed me (beside the massive amount of really cool looking games coming) was the idea of upgrading my PC for $500-1000 when PC developers are seeing the upside of X360 for $400.
Japanese developers aren\'t exactly flocking to it, but they are moreso than Xbox, and I have the Wii for innovative Japanese fare anyway. A poster on the Evil Avatar boards graphed out the exclusives for each console, and the PS3 ironically has the least of all 3. The Wii60 is the most well-rounded 1-2 punch, and the cheapest duo.
Yeah, I want Blu-Ray, but hell. I can wait.
After seeing what Remedy plans to do with Alan Wake (one of my most anticipated titles) on multiple CPU cores, I cringe at what I\'d have to spend to get my PC into shape. X360 already has 3 cores at a nice clockspeed, which is reassuring.