crysis waist of time and money for it\'s release, will only be worth playing on the pc 1.5 -2 years after game is released by then hardware will be affordable and able to run game at 60fps.(or we will see how well they take advantage of 360 hardware probably the best for most people if they wanna play this game in it\'s glory)
See this is the problem with PC games like farcry. By the time you could run farcry with SM 3.0 at 60fps in high res the game was by then almost 2 years old. eye candy is great but sucks at 25 fps, This is why I now favour closed platforms, PS3, xbox360. I love PC games, but I don\'t flock to them expecting the greatest eye candy at playable framerates. It\'s BS when you have to turn off alot of the features just so the game is playable.
I would rather see the developers take full advantage of 360 then see this game on the pc where it\'s not gonna be playable without major downgrading of features.
Take a look at hl2, great graphics/game-play and most people right from it\'s release were able to get 60Fps.
What are your thoughts on this guys, are you gonna get the PC version or buy the console one.