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Author Topic: Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!  (Read 6842 times)

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« on: December 04, 2000, 05:20:01 PM »
ok there has been a moderate amount of a hype like buzz going around about this indreama thin supposedly better than Xbox or PS2
here is my view
for some reason when i was on the site looking at the pictures and reading stats it reminded me of one thing......
I dont know why it does but it does and frankly its starting to bring back some bad memories
i think it has potential but it will never get off the ground
i can sense it now somewhat of a saturn relapse maybe
few developers and **** games
its sad really it is....

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2000, 06:08:20 PM »
indreama does not stand a chance. Sega has its great arcade style software, low price internet and head start, Sony has unparaleded third party support, Nintendo has its huge internal development teams to carry the Gamecube as a competitor and MS has money, familiar PC environments, great American developer support and a powrful system to go on. What does indreama have?

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2000, 04:39:24 PM »
indreama has nothing

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2000, 04:54:59 PM »
I don\'t think it stands a chance. It\'s going to have too much trouble getting support from developers who allready have 4 strong consoles to choose from. Without initial support it can\'t get the userbase neaded to atract more developers.

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2000, 05:19:10 PM »
Argh! None of you get it. Indreama is the most original Console in alot of senses. How about a free SDK for you aspiring programmers? There is more. Of course the Indreama does not stand a commercial amount of success, but it is still a novel idea and if a big company was pushing behind it, it would have a huge chance.

You ask what Indreama has? HD/Modem/Web Browser/ FREE SDK which will allow programmers to make games,etc. I am going to buy one and growing closer to maybe opening my own Idreama site, seeing as no place on the web is giving fair and dedicated coverage to the console. Oh yeah, and it has LINUX as the OS!

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2000, 09:10:45 AM »
I visited the Indrema site a while ago and I have to say, sounds quite damn interesting :)

I even memorized the URL!

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2000, 11:46:20 AM »
Sounds interesting, h3ll yeah!

Why couldn\'t it be a success? Sony popped out of nowhere while ago with its Playstation and beated Sega\'s Saturn by ease.

Again, it\'s about games. I hope it isn\'t about reputation ( but it looks like it is. Finland is land of reputation, I gotta say ;))
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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2000, 02:36:15 PM »
Originally posted by Joyda
Sounds interesting, h3ll yeah!

Why couldn\'t it be a success? Sony popped out of nowhere while ago with its Playstation and beated Sega\'s Saturn by ease.

Again, it\'s about games. I hope it isn\'t about reputation ( but it looks like it is. Finland is land of reputation, I gotta say ;))

It can\'t succeed for various reasons.
  • (1) Lack of commercial developer support. I say commercial, because the free SDK kit could easily make it a cult hit with aspiring game developers and hobby programmers.
  • The company simply does not have enough press support either. How many magazines are even mentioning the Indreama? How many fan sites? Anything? No. not really.
  • The company simply does not have enough money to go all out on a marketing blitz. The public won\'t even be aware of the system.
  • They are going up against a total of 4 systems. 4 big companies with massive developer support. 4 companies will games that are excellent.

They list just keeps going on. But, I must say I\'m extremely excited about the console. And in my opinion, its the biggest "step-up" and evolution for consoles.

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2000, 11:09:04 AM »
Maybe you\'re right, Living-In-Clip.

I\'ve seen a small article about Indreama-console in one mag!

So, the console should start huge ad-campaign or something; and very little is known about this "mysterious" console anyways.

Has it got lots of 3rd party developers?
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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2000, 03:32:02 PM »
Originally posted by Joyda
Maybe you\'re right, Living-In-Clip.

I\'ve seen a small article about Indreama-console in one mag!

So, the console should start huge ad-campaign or something; and very little is known about this "mysterious" console anyways.

Has it got lots of 3rd party developers?

The company simply does not have enough money for a huge marketing blitz. As for third party developers. Not sure how many are signed and who. Apparently not alot nor big companies. The bright side about the system is the free SDK (software development kit). So, software party support, is really anyone who is interested in the console and programming .

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2000, 06:31:08 PM »
i read spmewhere a total of 4 devolopers or something like that its not a hue number and things just arent looking good
i would not be suprised if this project gets canned for somereason or another when the company realizes they will be(and are) forgotten in console warfare
true sony came out of nowhere but look what reputation sony had before playstation in the technology market with cd players and such it wouldnt suprise me if microsoft did not do the same sony did but i dont believe they will from my own experiences with microsoft products
that is possibly why i am running linux now not windows

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2000, 02:48:49 AM »
They have not announced how many developers are signed on to develop for the system, so its pure rumour on the number. I doubt if it gets canned, but system life won\'t last long either. I will buy one, I\'m postive of that. The system, specfiction wise and such is alot more impressive then of the other commercial systems, such as the PS2. But, oh well. Its a still-born console.

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2000, 04:49:23 AM »

that is the funniest thing i heard all day!!! thanks for cheering me up guyz!

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2000, 10:45:13 AM »
Originally posted by zip77

that is the funniest thing i heard all day!!! thanks for cheering me up guyz!

Laugh. Sure. Go ahead. But what other console is giving away the SDK to public users? That is a huge step, that other console\'s should take, but haven\'t. Kudos to the Indreama company for having the guts to do it.

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2000, 04:57:32 AM »
Originally posted by zip77

that is the funniest thing i heard all day!!! thanks for cheering me up guyz!

Why are you laughing about Indrema?

Can you tell me any other console that:

- it\'s GPU is upgradable?
- has a built-in 4 controller ports?
- has a built-in Direct Internet Access?
- has FREE SDK?
- has supports for independent developers?

All bigger [name] consoles don\'t have these..
So what\'s to laugh about Indreama? Nothing..
I think Indreama is fine example for how "expandable" and how "portable" a console must be.. What\'s wrong with a console that is running on a OpenSource Kernel? Which [big name] console can run emulators for other console platforms? I think more the question would be WHEN the big companies are going to think about these cost pressing points. Untill then don\'t laugh about Pioneers.. don\'t forget that pioneers designed plans for today\'s best selling consoles almost 10 years ago...



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