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Author Topic: Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!  (Read 6604 times)

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« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2001, 05:50:27 AM »
they asked a millionaire, if you lose all your money, and have 10,000 dollars left, what would you do? so he answered i would make a project for $1000 and advertise for $9000.
although that millionaire is weird because he didn\'t think about taxes, bills, food etc. but i bet indreama has something like that prepared

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2001, 11:18:10 AM »
Indreama... doomed from the start... I agree.

3do was one example, so was Jaguar. Now, Jaguar was easily the most powerful console of its time and sure it did fail big time... why? Graphics don\'t count; it\'s the name and the money put into it. Microsoft for instance has a big name and rep. and the console sells because of that...

Indreama is so new for name and console that I think it\'ll not be a success...

but hey, is it really going to be a gaming-console or something more?
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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2001, 02:50:03 PM »
Originally posted by OHMYGOD
I don\'t think the people at lenix or inderma whatever are stupid.They seem to know what they are up against.
Jaguar and the rest were in the 8-16 bit era and maybe those companies underestimated nintendo and sega.
But these console wars are to the death.And Inderma knows that.I may be wrong but it\'s just what I think,Living in Clip.

They may know what they are up against. But so did the other companies. They don\'t have the money to offer commercials during the superbowl. They don\'t have the mass developer support from huge companies,etc.
Its doomed.
But its also an extremely exciting console.:)

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Indreama I DON\'T THINK SO!
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2001, 02:58:06 AM »
its going to be like Nuon/Project X, it\'ll never be released

the concept of the console is very good, it\'s just the " brand name" and reputation that kills it.
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