I remember console wars when it was SNES vs. Genesis, but the real hype didn\'t come until the PSX/Saturn/N64. That\'s when you saw gaming mags with Sonic & Mario arm wrestling on the cover.
Wow thats pathetic. Sonic and Mario arm wrestling? Oh my. Eiksirf was right. WE started the console wars. I had a part of being part of the nonsense. From my early days here at PSX2CENTRAL you could tell I wanted Sony to sell more consoles then everyone. I was like that until one day at the local gamestop I witnessed a cashier and a customer seriously arguing over PS2 and Xbox. Look at this picture in the magazine! one said. XBOX Madden has better lighting. The other: But look at the PS2 controller its better blah blah. The whole scene made me feel sooo stupid. Ever since witnessing that I changed my attitude toward consoles. I realized how sutpid it is to cut down other consoles or hope for one to fail or whatever the case may be.
This is kind of a silly thread.
The thread is silly because console wars are silly. I\'m tired of people saying "OH Xbox has got an HD-DVD add-on. Watch out Sony!" That\'s just so lame. Reminds me of some guy on the radio complaining about all the stupid pepsi vs coke commercials. He said "screw it I\'ll drink Dr. Pepper!" (yes I know drpepper is part of pepsi)
Its a stupid discussion. No shit there\'s a console war and it exists because of common competition between companies. In every field, every product has some sort of "war" between companies. This is no different. There were "console wars" even in the Atari days. This is nothing new.
I agree that MS, Sony and Nintnedo are \'waring\' over the consumer\'s $, but it is blown out of proportion IMO. Stupid fanboys have to keep saying thier system is better. Who cares if your system is better? Who cares if your systme is the most popular.
To sum it up, I agree with THX\'s comment
As long as YOU enjoy the system and get some value out of it then that\'s all that matters.
That\'s what me and a friend who
use to argue over consoles have agreed upon. We both agree the Nintendo Wii fits what he wants out of a console and the PS3 fits what I want out of a console. We\'ll both be happy. Why argue and try to claim one\'s console is better than the other\'s?