They\'re having a great launch and DS continues to perform. But I\'m more interested to see how Sony\'s sales continue as PS3\'s become more available.
I\'m really not convinced yet that there is a demand for PS3 and with all the hype surrounding Wii word of mouth, I think it may diminish that PS3 hype even further.
My friend is an Xbox 360 owner, although he has weened himself on Metal Gear and Resident Evil over the years. After I brought Wii over to his house and we played 4 player tennis, he tells me that he thinks the system is just different. It\'s fun for parties and families and because it\'s cheap, he\'ll get one while using the Xbox 360 for the meaty games he enjoys.
He has not expressed an interest in the PS3.
He works with a lot of teenagers and tells me they are into Wii but haven\'t been able to get it. Apparently people are still lining up outside Walmart everytime a new shipment is due.
Another interesting thing is that now my parents are hooked on Wii Sports. My mom was always into gaming if it was the right type of game. Solitaire, Animal Crossing, Brain Age. She actually surprised me by getting hooked on Castlevania for DS. But my dad hasn\'t played a game since Asteroids and Duck Hunt. He looks forward to playing Wii Sports bowling or golf with my mom and me. Sometimes I have to kick them off the Wii so I can watch a movie!
My mom spent $20 on points for the virtual console, too. So I see that Nintendo is actually expanding its audience and because of it, they already made an extra $20. Very interesting, in my opinion. And I heard at work, Dad was telling a couple of his coworkers (see: aged 40s and 50s) about Wii and the ease of playing bowling.
I told him he was a fanboy. ;]