I really dislike the Bay designs on those ahhum..."Transformers". In robot mode they look like The Guyver or Gundam on crack ; living pieces of scrap metal ! Look what they did to Megatron ! :hissyfit:
Think about it ; the \'exploded shrapmetal\' designs ONLY make some sense for their Pre-Earth / Cybertronian time.
Their alt forms on Cybertron looked exotique and strange, although definately more minimalistic than Bay\'s extravert stylistics.
Once on earth however, the Teletran 1 AI reshaped the Transformers to adapt & blend into
human made machines.
the main tagline "Robots in Disguise" should have been Bay\'s main movie guideline. Hence, the robot form should retain the basic shapes of the human made vehicle / machine it transforms into ; which doesn\'t mean at all that it will look utterly \'boxy\'.
Just look at the Mecha\'s from Macross ; their robot form retain\'s ALL reconizable parts from their vehicle mode ; and it even works ! Just look at great posability of the Yamato 1/48 models
The new Masterpiece Transformers series also proves that limb articulation can be maintained while having strictly keeping the original altform stylistics in robotform.
Masterpiece Starscream ;
http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/dragonballzcentral_1929_901191770Megatron by Takara ; Just Awesome ;