LOL, you don\'t see the humor there?
I see the irony but it does have a point. I\'m going to use an example of film since that is what my job is about. I\'m a big Fuji film person. I work with Fuji machines, I have the best luck with Fuji film and I love their disposable cameras. I\'m a loyalist to Fuji. However, every so often I like to cross over to Kodak to try their film. And hey, I found they have good products too. I don\'t like them as much as Fuji but they still have a great product that I like to use as well. However, I still have brand loyalty. See my point? It gets a bit deeper. I don\'t like their digital cameras. I\'ve only used a couple before but I don\'t like them as much as Canon. I\'m a big Canon loyalist in the digital market.
I can transfer this point over to the console market. I\'ve always bought Sony. I\'ve had an NES growing up but strayed. I\'ve been very loyal to Sony as my past has demonstrated. However, I still like to play Nintendo games, Xbox games and really enjoy them to the extent of buying and enjoying the console. However, my loyalty in my heart is always Sony...until they piss me off.