PS3 is off to a better start then the Xbox 360 so I dont know how you can say it is doomed already
Nearly 1 million PS3 units sold after 2 months. After the launch of what, 500,000 Xbox 360s last November there wasnt anymore 360s in the stores until sometime in February, and when the arrived they looked like, at least to me, that they werent selling.
Sony and any reasonable person knows that within the next 10 years everyone who was a fan of PS2 will eventually buy PS3. The sells will be steady over the years.
It\'s kind of unrealistic to expect PS3s to fly off the shelves 2 months after launch.
The game software is a problem, there isn\'t any good games out right now, unless you are a diehard football fan or if you like shoot\'em ups.
But late February and the beginning of March PS3 will get Oblivian IV, Motorstorm, and Heavenly Sword. 3 AAA games
As for me I\'m waiting for Superman Returns on blu-ray to come in the mail. I\'m also keeping myself entertained by downloading videos onto the PS3, viewing photos on the big screen, and playing all the demos available online for download. The PS3 is a multimedia beast. I hardly touch my PC anymore
oh and gamespot sucks. charging $40 for blu ray movies? even old movies like the Fith Element?!