At the very least Microsoft just wants to make life miserable for Sony...caught in the crossfire is unsuspecting HD-DVD or just maybe blu-ray owners that will be left with expensive paperweights. The longer this war goes on the more victims it will claim. It would be nearly over by now if MS joined the Blu-ray group (which Sony is just a part of) or remained neutral and didnt pay off Universal or Warner.
Microsoft doesnt care either way. Throw your money to them if you wish.
They\'ll take it.
Back on subject, sort of. Look at this sales chart of the 3 consoles.
Wii is red, 360 green, and PS3 blue

Some explain the PS3\'s erratic behavior with whether it is in stock or not. But where it is curently at I think it will stay for a while until better games are released. 3rd place behind Wii with the 360 leading.