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Author Topic: 1080p vs 1080i/720p  (Read 6509 times)

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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2007, 10:19:18 PM »
^^^heh, you wasn\'t kidding about that info*very detailed*. And i have a better understanding of 1080p & 1080i.....thanks :)
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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2007, 10:34:46 PM »
After reading this thread:  this is what I know is true about direct view flat panel displays.  LCDs suck the most compare to other type of display in term of picture quality because it has crappy viewing angle problems, worst pixel response time which bozco mentioned about the motion blur problem, and worst black level too.  LCD\'s contrast ratio in general also are weak compares to other type of display.

Plasma on the other hand are much more favorable because it doesn\'t suffer any viewing angle problem, and the pixel response time is much faster than LCD, so no motion blur.  And the black level on plasma are like 2nd place as it\'s very deep only to be beaten by CRT.  Contrast ratio on the other hand, most plasmas beat LCD in that area too.  Especially 2006 and later models where its improve deeper blacks on newer model had increased the contrast ratio to quite a pleasing level.

So, if you want to get a flat panel 37" TV or bigger, go for plasma if picture quality is important to you.  for tv smaller than 37", go for CRT as there is rarely any plasma type tv that are smaller than 37".  Some are as small as 32", but that is for plasmas as I haven\'t seen any plasmas tv smaller than 32".  Avoid LCD type display.  Heh, even front or rear projection type displays have a lot better black level and contrast ratio than direct view LCD and even better viewing angles too.  Like the Sony SXRD LCOS projection tv which look a lot better than LCD and LCOS doesn\'t suffer from the motion blur that I see some LCDs have.

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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2007, 11:07:20 PM »
Heh, even front or rear projection type displays have a lot better black level and contrast ratio than direct view LCD and even better viewing angles too.

Show mw a tv that has better blacks and detail then a SONY LCOS, not even plasma can touch it.  :)

It goes like this


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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2007, 11:07:41 PM »
it may sound like I\'m overreacting, but i really dont like the burn-in\'s plasmas get. I mean..i watch cnn sometimes..madden has that ticker at the bottom the whole game, bunch of stuff like that that makes me a little worried.

I was kind of leaning towards DLP, but replacing that mirror thing is pretty gay..and like 250 bucks.

The only reason I\'m considering not doing 1080p is because for me, the difference is a lot to me. The general difference im seeing is about $600

plus the whole idea that below 50" you cant tell the difference between the two. And seeing as I can only stand like 80" from the tv, 37" is the max i can get. I dont think ill be moving into a ginormous apartment any time soon.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2007, 11:09:37 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2007, 11:08:47 PM »
Viper if your looking at DLp which is a RPTV then take a look at the SONY\'s SXRD with a good HDTV source it will blow you away.

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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2007, 11:12:12 PM »
just checking..by good HDTV source do you mean the place you get your channels from? Because I actually have cox\'s hdtv stations on my box. My brother had an HDTV and the service, moved out, and my parents decided to keep it because we get some extra channels in the package.

Are you sure there\'s a 37" in Sony\'s SXRD? i did a quick search and could only find 50"
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Offline Paul2

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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2007, 11:29:14 PM »
Quote from: NVIDIA256

Show mw a tv that has better blacks and detail then a SONY LCOS, not even plasma can touch it.  :)

It goes like this

The topic starter wanted a direct view thin design flat panel, so I am making comparison between Plasma and LCD.  I also mentioned that projection tv like lcos and dlp have a lot better black level, contrast ratio, and viewing angle than lcd.

Its true that as of right now, DLP and LCOS (SXRD) have better black level than plasma.  But not a whole lot, plasma is getting nearly and really close the gap.  But I believe DLP and LCOS (SXRD) uses some sort of iris tricks to get that high contrast ratio, in the range of about 10,000:1 or higher compare to plasma of 2,500:1.  Plasma is more natural that it doesn\'t uses any iris to get deeper black or brighter whiter.  When DLP or LCOS (SXRD) doesn\'t use the IRIS tricks, the contrast ratio is around 3,000:1 to 4,000:1.  And the black level is similiar of plasma.  But what really helps DLP and LCOS still getting a bit better contrast ratio is the higher light output even when the IRIS is turned off.

The only LCOS display that I know that have the best black level is Sony SXRD as its a bit deeper than plasma and higher light output than plasma.  But as 2007 plasmas model will roll out later this year from panasonic and pioneer, i am pretty sure we will see plasmas with black level just as good as sony sxrd, and maybe a bit higher light output.

Besides, plasmas can last up to 60,000 hours before reaching half-life while LCOS (SXRD) or DLP bulbs burn out at around 3,000 hours and replacing the bulb may cost about $250 each time...

So, i think this year going to be a tough decisions to make for anybody thinking of getting hdtv especially big screen tv because there are some stuffs to consider when compare different type of tv displays.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2007, 11:32:38 PM by Paul2 »

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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2007, 05:09:02 AM »
Isn\'t 1080p the manufacturing standard now? So 720p should be bargain sellers, especially now that the Superbowl is over. Stores want to get rid of all the 720p\'s on their floor.

Personally, I\'d just hop in to the 1080p standard.
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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2007, 07:23:37 AM »
One thing to note is that 1080i and 1080p aren\'t terribly different in terms of raw image quality.

At least, that\'s what I\'ve read.
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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2007, 07:48:23 AM »
Either go \'small\' and 720P or big and 1080P.

If you\'re into LCD, look for new models with LED backlighting.

But either way just get a set that looks good to you. Don\'t fuss too much about the details.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2007, 08:12:13 AM »
Quote from: Blade
One thing to note is that 1080i and 1080p aren\'t terribly different in terms of raw image quality.

At least, that\'s what I\'ve read.

All digital diplays (LCD, DLP, LCOS, Plasma) display progressive, so if they have 1080 lines of vertical res they are 1080p by default.

If you feed a modern 1080p display a 1080i image from a movie or Broadcast TV show there will be NO difference between that and if you fed it a 1080p image.    Why?  Because Broadcast TV is usually shot @ 24-30fps.  Movies are 24fps.  TVs have a refresh rate of 60fps.

At frame 1, a 1080i signal is sending HALF the information.

At frame 2 it then sends the other half.

A modern deinterlacer will take those 2 fields, put them together and form a perfect 1080p frame.  It takes 2 frames to for this process to complete, which works fine because a 60Hz television has extra time to process a source that is only 30fps.  In the end using 1080i saves bandwidth for movies and TV.

Note this only works for movie/TV but NOT for videogames, which sports FPS counts up to 60.  In this case 1080p would be ideal.

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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2007, 02:45:17 PM »
so a xbox 360 cant go in 1080p mode, witht e hd leads that come witht he xbox???

i got a vga lead,but it seemed to say 1280 x 720, or whatever, not 1080p when i was choosing it, so i wet back to the lead, and chose 1080 p..
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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2007, 03:37:54 PM »
i dunno..im confused as hell with this damn stuff. even more after best buy

The westinghouse tv was blurry as balls compared to the other ones. I liked samsung and sony the best but sony overcharges. There was a really good looking 40" samsung but it was 720p and $1700, which is a little expensivo. Seems like online prices are wayyy better (probably since they dont have stocking fees) but i dunno how much i trust doing something like a tv and shipping. The one time i did shipping with something relatively expensive was a guitar and it came with a chip.\\

I have no damn idea where im going. This is pretty much where i got last time i wanted to get one and was just like "...fuck it"

I\'ve kind of decided on 720p just because the tv isnt big enough to see a big enough difference in 1080p. The only thing holding me back is i\'d assume you can see a difference in hd-dvd or blu-ray, but even then im not as pick as a lot of people.

leaning towards http://reviews.cnet.com/Samsung_LN_S4041D_LCD_TV_40/4507-6482_7-31891586.html?tag=nav for $1400 at frys.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 04:16:15 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2007, 04:23:48 PM »
If your 32" NTSC is still working fine, how about enjoy that TV and wait a bit longer?  And btw, how much money are you willing to spend?

If not, then maybe getting plasma is better imo than LCD.  of course, you worry about the screen burns in, but in my opinions, technology improves so much that it\'s really hard to get screen burn in on plasmas nowadays.

the reasons why I suggest you wait some more is because plasmas are getting better with black level and higher contrast ratio as time go by.  Say, if you spend about $1,500 for a 37" 720p plasma today with 2,500:1 contrast ratio.  the next latest model will have even more deeper black and higher contrast ratio.  who knows, maybe as high as 4,000:1 or higher but still costing the same of $1,500 for 37" 720p.

So, if you are in no rush, wait till summer or fall of this year and see what tv manufacturers will bring out for this year\'s model.

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1080p vs 1080i/720p
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2007, 04:27:49 PM »
Quote from: Paul2

the reasons why I suggest you wait some more is because plasmas are getting better with black level and higher contrast ratio as time go by.  Say, if you spend about $1,500 for a 37" 720p plasma today with 2,500:1 contrast ratio.  the next latest model will have even more deeper black and higher contrast ratio.  who knows, maybe as high as 4,000:1 or higher but still costing the same of $1,500 for 37" 720p.

You could play the \'waiting for the price to drop/better tv for the same price game till you\'re blue in the face with technology.

Not sure where u got the 32" thing from. Right now for tv i just have a crappy 20" er something crt thing..for pc and 360 i use my 19" LCD

money wise i dont really want to go above $1700

and call me crazy/dumb but when i went to best buy i thought LCD looked the best. Plasma, to me, had this glass thing on the front of it that made it look glossy
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 04:29:51 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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