So I came into $200 in credit at EB Games by selling a bunch of unnecessary crap from my game rack.
Now I own the X360, Wii, and a single DS Lite. Plus a moderately powerful PC, probably considered low-mid range.
I could save the credit for a later date, or go for something now... and I\'ve been cautiously... leaning towards a PS2. I never owned the PS1, and I can name a good 10-20 titles off the top of my head for the PS2 that I\'ve wanted to play.
It\'s a step back, though. A dying system, but with a shitload of cheap and awesome games... double-edged sword...
I\'ve also considered the HD-DVD add-on for X360, but then I ask myself... why? I have an HDTV but am I in a hurry to watch HD content on it? At 720p?
Or I could put some dough towards Lost Planet and other desirable X360/Wii/DS titles...
Any thoughts?