Historical accuracy was the last thing this movie was going for. I don\'t get why people don\'t understand that Frank Miller was simply inspired by the battle of thermopalye and everything else came from his imagination.
Thats why it had rhinos 10 times their normal size, a troll / cyclopse thing, a dude with swords for arms, Electric guitar rock rift playing during the fight scenes and nine inch nails playing in the trailers.
Its a comic book movie.
I know it was based on a comic book and personally I believe it should have remeained a comic book.
I dont care if Frank Miller was inspired by it and made a fantasy comic based on it. I take such creations seriously.
He could have given credit to both civilizations, show their real character and at the same time use his imagination.
The exaggerations isnt necessarilly the imagination. But how he used that imagination. He alienated the civilizations completely. He could have kept the rhinos, he could have kept Ephialtis\'s appearance since ephialtis in English is translated to Nightmare and to show his corrupted, disgusting mind and treachery, as well as other imaginary elements without completely destroying their character.
But his "imagination" went out of proportion, presenting a false impression of each civilization and such alterations in history are a "sacrilege" to human history. There was almost nothing "Greek" or "Persian" in either sides
Most importantly he failed to depict the glory of each civilization, he failed to transmit their virtues and even some important events were completely taken out or misused. It looked like another attempt to commercialize culture and hisory in order to sell and shows no respect to the historical event.
Historical inaccuracy wasnt refering to the "imaginative" part either. But the events themselves. For example the fight inside the thermopyles was what made that particular event so much known in books. Yet Leonidas\' strategy wasnt succesfully shown and neither did the fight occure inside the thermopyles other than a few moments in the beginning. Also what annoyied me was that there was no use of his words "Molon Lave\' ". It was translated to "come and get us", which completely loses the power of the ancient saying which is important. The translation makes it sound like a commonly used line in thousands of cliche\' movies.
What the hell happened to Xerxis?
That movie reminded me sometimes of the Xena and the Hercules series.