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Author Topic: thoughts on imus?....  (Read 3974 times)

Offline QuDDus
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2007, 07:55:17 AM »
Quote from: mm
i guess it\'s ok when flava-flav says stuff like that.

love seeing al sharpton profit over it, however

If flava-flav as you have said was to say something like that It would be very different.  And I doubt flava flave as a national syndicated show as well. I don\'t think It\'s right for anyone to be saying those types of words. The context in which the guy said it and with his influence he should have known better.

And I guess the "you people" remark was nothing at all. This is how it is always done.  White people have no Idea how it is feels to be racial discriminated against. It is the unknown that they will never have to go through and can\'t even begin to imagine how it affects a person.

I am not calling for a Imus hanging but the guy clearly has some issue\'s. Talk like that should not be allowed to be tolerated.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 07:56:21 AM by QuDDus »
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2007, 08:14:50 AM »
He\'s got a point, they don\'t exactly come off as susie sunshine with their gangsta-looking tats....
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Offline Eiksirf
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2007, 08:19:28 AM »
If flava-flav as you have said was to say something like that It would be very different.
Equality for some! Or, equality, but only when it\'s convenient for me! How about looking past skin color and realizing that if a black guy says it and it\'s harmless, then if any other guy says it, it\'s still harmless.
I don\'t think It\'s right for anyone to be saying those types of words.
Well that\'s different. Maybe nappy-haired should be added to America\'s list of taboo words. We have the n-word, and I think cunt may or may not make the list. Nappy-haired should go there, too. Nap is still ok, as is hair, but never combine the two lest we offend some people. What about wavy-haired or even blond-headed?
The context in which the guy said it and with his influence he should have known better.
Imus has no influence. And even if he did, if his comment influenced anything in someone, then that person already had problems to begin with and that person is the person who needs some attention.
White people have no Idea how it is feels to be racial discriminated against.
Try not to generalize. There absolutely are white people who know what it\'s like to be racially discriminated against. There are other white people who can empathize. There are other white people still who have no clue.
And whether or not any white people have been racially discriminated against should be irrelevant to this conversation. We\'re talking about Don Imus calling women nappy-haired. Your issue is obviously with the word \'nappy\'. If he had just called them hairy, that would\'ve been fine. So \'nappy\' is what we\'re talking about here. Focus your arguements on the word \'nappy\'. How passionate are you about it?
It is the unknown that they will never have to go through and can\'t even begin to imagine how it affects a person.
In the context of the word \'nappy\', I\'m pretty sure there are people of every ethnicity who have been called a name before.
And as far as the severity of this particular moral crime, I know that if someone says I have a big nose, I don\'t call him a racist. I mean, I could. I could get deeply offended, hold press conferences about it, drag this person\'s name through the media, get spokespeople to speak on my behalf, and incite message board threads on the subject. But really, in the first place, I should\'ve just let it roll off my nappy haired back.
Talk like that should not be allowed to be tolerated.
Insults should be banned altogether. Someone\'s feelings might get hurt and then who knows what could happen!
\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

Offline Phil
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2007, 10:08:04 AM »
Funny how EVERY racial thread Quddus jumps in and spews his garbage.

want proof? http://www.psx2central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34955&page=1

Male dominant racial gene, lol
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 10:09:15 AM by Phil »
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
Demon\'s named Phil.  -LIC

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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2007, 11:22:26 AM »
I think this is getting blown out of proportion because of the Michael Richards incident too. It seems like people are still in shock. If this happened even 5 years ago, no one would give a second look. I\'ve heard Howard Stern make worse jokes. This was just stupid and I don\'t think it deserves attention. Its getting all this attention so news anchors can try and further their careers.
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2007, 12:02:15 PM »
I don\'t think "nappy-headed" is a very harmful phrase.  Nevertheless, Imus shouldn\'t have used it, because he should have known there was a chance it could be perceived as racist.  If there\'s a chance of that happening, he should have erred on the side of caution.
When I was going to school in europe, some american friends of mine starting calling one guy "nappy-head."  The guy they were referring to was a white guy from chicago.  The remark had no racial connotation whatsoever, but was simply referring to his wild hair.  In British english, "nappy" means diaper, so the British friends of ours started calling this guy "diaper-head."  Soon the nappy part was forgotten, and this guy\'s nickname permanently became diaper-head.  Don\'t ask me what any of this means, but all I can say is that we (white people) didn\'t consider it a phrase with a long history of being used abusively against black people.
That was in 1991, so maybe it means something different now.  I don\'t know.  My perspective is different from African Americans\' perspective.  Everyone is entitled to their own perspective, so everyone should allow for the chance that others might understand language and phrases differently.  Like I said, err on the side of caution.
I DO find the word "Hos" much more offensive.  I think Imus should be fired for that one because he\'s a Jackass and a Dumbshit.  Hey, that\'s MY opinion.  :)
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Offline Phil
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2007, 12:43:47 PM »
Interesting read.  Definitely reflects some of the opinions expressed in the forum.


"The same standard of racial accountability must apply whether the racial and gender offender is an Imus or a 50 Cent. When it doesn\'t that\'s a double standard and that always translates into hypocrisy. Imus got his trash talk pass yanked. Now let\'s yank it from those blacks that do the same, or worse."

On a side note, my last name is Knapp.  Everyone once in a while I\'ll meet someone who likes to refer to me as nappy.  Does that make them racist?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 12:47:34 PM by Phil »
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2007, 12:53:16 PM »
nappy headed refers to a persons hair. Napster was started by a white guy who came up with the name because people said his hair was nappy. It has no racial connection.
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2007, 04:13:48 PM »
am i going to lose some black points for this?....trust, i\'m gonna get back into the serious discussion we\'re havin\',  but the wifey just showed me this, and to me i thought this s**t was funny as hell...:laughing:


when i first saw this?...i was laughing in tears!...the look from that camera man was priceless!...:laughing:...those cats from south park walk that line on the regular, and while alot of their racial stuff is funny, there were a few times where i thought they were a bit offensive...but as you all know it\'s open season for all ethnic groups on that show.
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2007, 04:30:10 PM »
*serious mode*what everybody fails to realize is that he did not say one thing about the other team...who were predominantly white....so what if these rutgers players look a certain way...alot of the women who ply professional basketball black or white look kinda "butch" to some extent, the point here is that he specifically directed his view on the rutgers team,...some say howard stern does this as well?..i can honestly say from the shows i\'ve heard and seen that he does it in a way that\'s lighthearted and funny....he\'ll say somethin\' like "wow i better not say that N word or  50 cent or jay-z will come up here and kick my ass"

and while alot of black folk or rappers still say hoes and bitches,...that does not mean all black folk are sayin\' it, and even if they are that doesn\'t make it right...
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Offline QuDDus
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2007, 05:47:51 PM »
Quote from: Eiksirf
If flava-flav as you have said was to say something like that It would be very different.
Equality for some! Or, equality, but only when it\'s convenient for me! How about looking past skin color and realizing that if a black guy says it and it\'s harmless, then if any other guy says it, it\'s still harmless.
I don\'t think It\'s right for anyone to be saying those types of words.
Well that\'s different. Maybe nappy-haired should be added to America\'s list of taboo words. We have the n-word, and I think cunt may or may not make the list. Nappy-haired should go there, too. Nap is still ok, as is hair, but never combine the two lest we offend some people. What about wavy-haired or even blond-headed?
The context in which the guy said it and with his influence he should have known better.
Imus has no influence. And even if he did, if his comment influenced anything in someone, then that person already had problems to begin with and that person is the person who needs some attention.
White people have no Idea how it is feels to be racial discriminated against.
Try not to generalize. There absolutely are white people who know what it\'s like to be racially discriminated against. There are other white people who can empathize. There are other white people still who have no clue.
And whether or not any white people have been racially discriminated against should be irrelevant to this conversation. We\'re talking about Don Imus calling women nappy-haired. Your issue is obviously with the word \'nappy\'. If he had just called them hairy, that would\'ve been fine. So \'nappy\' is what we\'re talking about here. Focus your arguements on the word \'nappy\'. How passionate are you about it?
It is the unknown that they will never have to go through and can\'t even begin to imagine how it affects a person.
In the context of the word \'nappy\', I\'m pretty sure there are people of every ethnicity who have been called a name before.
And as far as the severity of this particular moral crime, I know that if someone says I have a big nose, I don\'t call him a racist. I mean, I could. I could get deeply offended, hold press conferences about it, drag this person\'s name through the media, get spokespeople to speak on my behalf, and incite message board threads on the subject. But really, in the first place, I should\'ve just let it roll off my nappy haired back.
Talk like that should not be allowed to be tolerated.
Insults should be banned altogether. Someone\'s feelings might get hurt and then who knows what could happen!

The fact was it was not just some insult. He was insulting the ethnicity of the players and how he portrayed himself on the Al Sharpton show clearly shows the guys has issue. And if Imus has no influence tell that to the 10million people that listen to him everyday.

Don\'t even begin to blow smoke about white people knowing about racial discrimination. Nappy headed is something that blacks have been called and have been reflected and portrayed. I mean it is just totally different for us. Something that you will never understand no matter what you type on a playstation forum. Until you know what it is like to have someone say or hold predjeduce against you because of your ethnicity. There is noway you can releate.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
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Offline Phil
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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2007, 06:11:18 PM »
Quote from: clips

and while alot of black folk or rappers still say hoes and bitches,...that does not mean all black folk are sayin\' it, and even if they are that doesn\'t make it right...

Right, which is why instead of blowing one incident hugely out of proportion (fine his ass, fire him, do whatever but don\'t make this a national issue that it clearly isn\'t) people like AL sharpton, who thrives on this shit, should be trying stop "bitches and hos" mentality that is so dominant in the rap world and the youth that try to emulate it.  But thats clearly not a popular stance so it will never happen.  At least not with pricks like him.

Edit: oh and Quddus please stop trying to throw the woe is me, I\'m black card.  You\'ve been using for years and its tiring.  People know what it is to be discriminated against (black, white, jewish, latino, islamic, you name it, whatever).  You grow up, you get some balls and you realize those people are just ignorant trash not worthy of a response and you let it die into obscurity.  I have black relatives far older than you, who have sincerely seen some tough shit, and I\'ve had conversations with them about racism and all that.  And you know, not once did they ever say, "oh you\'d just never understand, you just can never relate."  Thats just throwing up a huge wall and enabling people to continue their racist ways.  You know, people are more understanding than you think.  So stop being ignorant yourself and I don\'t know, maybe accept that people are people.  Fuck what race they are.  I hope this Imus thing dies quickly and quietly.  Shouldn\'t be a national topic.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 06:16:42 PM by Phil »
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
Demon\'s named Phil.  -LIC

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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2007, 07:55:06 PM »
Quote from: QuDDus
Don\'t even begin to blow smoke about white people knowing about racial discrimination. Nappy headed is something that blacks have been called and have been reflected and portrayed. I mean it is just totally different for us. Something that you will never understand no matter what you type on a playstation forum. Until you know what it is like to have someone say or hold predjeduce against you because of your ethnicity. There is noway you can releate.

Quddus, are you really this full of shit.  I\'m a manager at a liquor store and I experience racism from black people on a daily basis.  Mocking how I talk or how I dress.  Not only that but every other time I ID a black person they claim it\'s cause they\'re black.  Couldn\'t be because they look 20.  And that\'s just a small part of what I get.

And then Quddus there\'s the fact that you\'ve even been racist to me.  Acting like I wouldn\'t know shit about basketball cause I\'m white/a gamer.  

But no I probably couldn\'t relate cause I\'ve never seen it in my life.  The double standard is ridiculous.  I\'m not claiming that I\'ve been made to sit in the back of a bus but neither have you.

Regarding the whole Imus thing, it\'s a complete joke.  No shit what he said was out of line, but to be fired.....wow.  I can\'t handle how PC everything is these days.

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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2007, 08:08:04 PM »
Qud, I get discriminated against a lot so don\'t say white people don\'t know what its like. I get discriminated against as soon as people find out I\'m atheist. I get a lot of ridicule for it. The worst feeling is getting discriminated against by your own family. I\'m the only one in my religious family who doesn\'t believe in God. Tell me how it feels to be at a funeral and have your mom tell relatives you never met that I don\'t believe in God. I\'ll tell you it doesn\'t feel good.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 08:09:38 PM by Titan »
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"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
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U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

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thoughts on imus?....
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2007, 08:54:49 PM »
to qdogs defense,..you white folk have never been discriminated against soley for the color of your skin....waaay back in 90, 91...i used to work with this fine-ass italian chick that i was tryin\' to get  involved in this telecommunications company. it was kinda like a pyramid thingy...anyway long story short, i was driving her home from one of our presentations, which was in rutgers in newark. she lived off of interstate 78 in warren,nj...on the way to her crib i drove past a cop sitting on the side of the road...sure enough he literally did like 90 to catch up to me and pull me over....

Now mind you back then my 240 was only a year old, ground effects kit all around the car and a nice set of wheels..the whole 9...so he pulls me over...ask\'s who\'s car is this..i told him it was mine, i gave him my papers, everything was legit, then he goes over to her side, and asks her.."are you with him?"....she told him that she was...he then proceeded to ask her, "are you here against your will?"....at this point she was startin to get a bit upset cause she knew where this was goin\'....the police officer then asked her to step out so he could talk to her,...what these cops didn\'t know was that her father was the chief of police at the time, and she was yellin at these cops for the way we were bein treated...meanwhile 3 more cop cars arrive on the scene...and the one cop is tryin to calm her down, because he constantly kept asking her did i bring her against her will and s**t like that....as if i was kidnappin\' her or some s**t.

ultimately we ended up being on our way, i dropped her off and went home, and even on my way back home i\'m not sure, but i\'m almost positive i was followed by the same cop because on my way back to interstate 78 i passed a cop car in the same location where he pulled out from and stopped me before,.... he came out yet again, but he stayed some distance behind me until i got to interstate 78....that is the bulls**t i\'m talkin\' about and everytime i traveled through one of those nice jersey suburbs, that s**t would almost always happen....
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 08:58:44 PM by clips »
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

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