If flava-flav as you have said was to say something like that It would be very different.
Equality for some! Or, equality, but only when it\'s convenient for me! How about looking past skin color and realizing that if a black guy says it and it\'s harmless, then if any other guy says it, it\'s still harmless.
I don\'t think It\'s right for anyone to be saying those types of words.
Well that\'s different. Maybe nappy-haired should be added to America\'s list of taboo words. We have the n-word, and I think cunt may or may not make the list. Nappy-haired should go there, too. Nap is still ok, as is hair, but never combine the two lest we offend some people. What about wavy-haired or even blond-headed?
The context in which the guy said it and with his influence he should have known better.
Imus has no influence. And even if he did, if his comment influenced anything in someone, then that person already had problems to begin with and that person is the person who needs some attention.
White people have no Idea how it is feels to be racial discriminated against.
Try not to generalize. There absolutely are white people who know what it\'s like to be racially discriminated against. There are other white people who can empathize. There are other white people still who have no clue.
And whether or not any white people have been racially discriminated against should be irrelevant to this conversation. We\'re talking about Don Imus calling women nappy-haired. Your issue is obviously with the word \'nappy\'. If he had just called them hairy, that would\'ve been fine. So \'nappy\' is what we\'re talking about here. Focus your arguements on the word \'nappy\'. How passionate are you about it?
It is the unknown that they will never have to go through and can\'t even begin to imagine how it affects a person.
In the context of the word \'nappy\', I\'m pretty sure there are people of every ethnicity who have been called a name before.
And as far as the severity of this particular moral crime, I know that if someone says I have a big nose, I don\'t call him a racist. I mean, I could. I could get deeply offended, hold press conferences about it, drag this person\'s name through the media, get spokespeople to speak on my behalf, and incite message board threads on the subject. But really, in the first place, I should\'ve just let it roll off my nappy haired back.
Talk like that should not be allowed to be tolerated.
Insults should be banned altogether. Someone\'s feelings might get hurt and then who knows what could happen!