Right, which is why instead of blowing one incident hugely out of proportion (fine his ass, fire him, do whatever but don\'t make this a national issue that it clearly isn\'t) people like AL sharpton, who thrives on this shit, should be trying stop "bitches and hos" mentality that is so dominant in the rap world and the youth that try to emulate it. But thats clearly not a popular stance so it will never happen. At least not with pricks like him.
Edit: oh and Quddus please stop trying to throw the woe is me, I\'m black card. You\'ve been using for years and its tiring. People know what it is to be discriminated against (black, white, jewish, latino, islamic, you name it, whatever). You grow up, you get some balls and you realize those people are just ignorant trash not worthy of a response and you let it die into obscurity. I have black relatives far older than you, who have sincerely seen some tough shit, and I\'ve had conversations with them about racism and all that. And you know, not once did they ever say, "oh you\'d just never understand, you just can never relate." Thats just throwing up a huge wall and enabling people to continue their racist ways. You know, people are more understanding than you think. So stop being ignorant yourself and I don\'t know, maybe accept that people are people. Fuck what race they are. I hope this Imus thing dies quickly and quietly. Shouldn\'t be a national topic.
Heh, the funniest part about this entire non-issue is the way that Al Sharpton (opportunistic scumbag that he is) has all of the ignorant hicks wrapped around his little finger.
Do you know who gives him the power that he has? It\'s not the black-folk. It\'s all of the insecure slobs and weak-minded chumps constantly on the look-out for somebody else to blame for dissatisfaction with their own lives. And then Reverend Al comes along, giving them the exact lightning rod they desire; in the process, however, they simply reinforce all of the bullshit that he feeds to his flock, how the white-man really does hate them and they need someone to constantly stand up and protect them from the evil American society.
Guess what? Imus made a stupid, ill-conceived, racist comment (yes, referring to a predominantly black women\'s basketball team as "nappy-headed hos" is racist by any common definition of the term; all the faux-logic and strawmen you and your drinking buddies want to throw out there doesn\'t change a thing). Did he deserve to get fired for it? Not even a relevant question, because the merit of the firing isn\'t an issue. It\'s a business decision, pure and simple. If your career is to bring in money through entertaining people, and you do something that jeopardizes the corporate cash-flow, you need to expect the consequences. It\'s not a Constitutional issue, it\'s not a free-speech issue, and the fact that the rap-stars and black comics say much worse is not relevant; the only thing relevant is that his bosses decided they no longer wanted someone stupid enough to put himself in that position representing the face of the corporation any longer.
Does the black community as a whole have more pressing issues confronting them? Absolutely. If some of you are so concerned about these issues, then by all means get off the internet and go teach at an inner-city school, or get involved with a local affordable housing coalition. But what you shouldn\'t do is pat yourself on the back for pointing out that Al Sharpton should have more important things to worry about, because you\'re wrong. The only pressing issue on Sharpton\'s mind is how many more ignorant rubes he can goad into keeping his face on the news every night.