No fair. I posted my ass off to get my avy when we had the stars. I waited to 1500 to get 5 stars, wise member status and my avatar.
Raz, back in the day, we had stars and statuses for certain increments of posts. I don\'t remember what they were. At 500 you got 3 stars and a possibility of an avatar. If you got an avatar, your stars and status froze permanently. But if you waited to 1500, you got Wise Member status (which back in the day was prestigious imo), 5 stars and an avatar. That\'s what I did. Then they updated the boards and you ended up losing the stars and status anyway. Count yourself lucky that you got your avatar so young. Back in the day, it was only reserved for the most prestigious and knowledgable of posters (like someone who really knew their stuff). The only person ever offered it in my tenure here was Dajona who was a friend of mine in high school. He presented a really good arguement as a new member, won the respect of the members and offered an avatar by mm I believe. But now I guess it really doesn\'t matter since we\'ve all been here for years and we see newer members more or less equals. It was fun back in the day but now things are really different. Personally, I think you should earn your avatar like everyone else but I\'m not an admin so its not my call.