Its just seems like everyone will justify the killing of animals for every other reason in life.
Tru no doubt...i remember livin\' in jersey when there were an abundant amount of deers in the area, the state would justify special legislation for hunters to go out and kill them.....and nobody had a problem with it,..never mind the fact that humans were buliding in the deers back yard so the deers have no-where else to go,..and if everybody is so worried about animal torture?...those shot-guns and arrows that they use don\'t always provide an instant kill...
Dog pounds and shelters? after a certain amount of time or if the the pound itself becomes over-crowded, what do you think happens to those dogs in there?...riight...they put them down and incinerate them....doesn\'t matter if the animal is used for food or not, if everybody all of a sudden is so concerned about animal rights and torture, you should see the way they kill cows in those slaughter houses,...they cut their neck and let\'em bleed to death, or they tie them up in the air and split them right down the middle and let their guts spill out...
i\'m not defendin\' vick actions, it was wrong of him from the jump, but all i\'m sayin\' is that even tho dogs are seen as domestic pets at the end of the day it\'s still an animal and some are actin\' like other animals aren\'t bein\' slaughtered ten-times worse than what\'s happened in vick\'s case...again vicks an ass for even gettin involved in somethin\' like this, but the media is just exaggerating the whole scale of it...