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Author Topic: Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!  (Read 5660 times)

Offline ReverendXbox
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« on: December 06, 2000, 08:35:35 AM »
Yeah, the Reverend back and badder than ever.  After returning my PS2 last month (I simply became bored with it--thankfully I got all my money back--well, it was actually my brothers since I didn\'t buy it), I\'ve been playing Shenmue and waiting for Xbox(major retailers are now taking preorders).  However, the Reverend has been laying low letting this PS2 thing run its course.  It\'s quite obvious that Sony has shafted both retailers and consumers, but this bit of news is even more shocking.  

Reports on the streets (employees of Babbage\'s and Software Ect.\'s) have revealed that Sony has told retailers to take down all Xbox promotional materials and take more PS2 preorders.  What if retailers do not comply?  Well, the fine folks at Sony plan to pull their PS2 shipments to that store.  Hey, I thought Microsoft was supposed to be the evil ones.  Just who in the hell do Sony think they are?  They are so goddam arrogant that they believe that they can threaten retailers who promote a better console.  This is so goddam ludicrous until it makes you want to vomit.  This little Sony stunt won\'t go unnoticed by retailers and consumers.  Most of all, it won\'t go unnoticed by Microsoft.  When Microsoft starts throwing blows don\'t blame them, Sony threw the first punch--remember that.  All these anti-Microsoft dillweeds on this board cite Microsoft\'s "monopolistic" business practices, however, they are keen to overlook Sony\'s misteps, and what a big misstep this is.  

I hope Sony gets their arrogant asses handed to them this time around.  This is dirty **** that Sony has pulled and they won\'t get away with it.  This deepens my resent for Sony.  Sony just stepped onto holy grounds with their latest stunt.  They want to play hard ball with the master of hard ball, Microsoft.  They just opened up a can of worms and the following months will be hell for them.  Every time a anti-Microsoft goon spouts some bull****, remember this move by Sony.  Sony seems to think that the success of the PS2 lies solely in their dirty little hands.  Screw the retailers, they just keep the PS2\'s warm!  The Reverend\'s got a feeling that this **** is going to backfire on Sony so damn bad.  If the retailers retaliate, they could carry out their Xbox promotions even more aggressively, or even worse, stop carrying PS2\'s entirely (although this is highly unlikely...they need to make money too).  

This may come across as a bash and the Reverend appologizes for the level-headed ones in this forum.  However, to the anit-Microsoft Sony fanboys, this is a wake-up call!  Sony practices dirty business tactics, and if this isn\'t an attempt to monopolize the videogames industry then I don\'t know what it is.  So if you\'re going to be anti-MS, then you damn well better be anti-Sony too!  Be consistent, for Gawds sake!  Sony\'s already limping from the botched launch, now their poised to shoot themselves in the only good foot they have left.  I\'ve seen this **** before.  Success always leads to failure in this industry.  It\'s a vicious cycle.  I guess it\'s true that success can make the humble pompous, Sony is proving this all too well.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2000, 08:44:55 AM »
Whatever :rolleyes: untell i see a link or something then it\'s just hearsay :yawn:
well mmmmm lets see well i\'m a Super Sayan

Offline CygnusXI
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2000, 08:51:24 AM »
Another damn rumor being stated as fact.
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2000, 08:52:32 AM »
True,"reports on the streets",wtf?
I think it`s another anti-hype example.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2000, 09:08:23 AM »
wasn\'t there already an other thread about this, so called blackmail stuff, which I personnaly couldn\'t care less about?
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

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my thoughts
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2000, 09:29:27 AM »
I was reading this and all I thought was rumors.  

The employees for those store would not come out and say that.  It sounds like crap to me..  

You are just trying to start sh!t.  Some of us, like me, don\'t care what happens with what system.  If the X-box is the end all to be all consoles, then so be it.

But I doubt it will be.  Why come in here and try to cause trouble.  Its one thing to say something you heard, its another to insite a fight.  

Xbox, psx2, DC..  Its all the same, just a matter of personal preference and your wallet.  God if I had the money, I would own them all.

But why be so into one system.??  Why cause sh!t like this?   Ignorant people do this..  And kids... well dood, I hope you have fun with your XboX

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of course
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2000, 10:04:13 AM »
who ever said that SOny didn\'t play dirty?
OF COURSE they will!!

they\'re a huge company and they will use there corporate muscle to get there way when they need to. Difference is people don\'t prefer MicroSoft. SOny doesn\'t have to get its hands in everything unlike MS.

plus you say you sold your PS2 cause you got bored?
ever know a launch to be ABSOLUTLY THRILLING?

no you might not of been baching SOny. But you weren\'t stating facts. You were stating your facts. And sadly you\'ve become too much of a level headed moron for people to take your opnion to heart.

Now if someone respected like ddaryl were to post this. The topic would span 20 damn pages. Honestly Rev why do you come here?
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2000, 11:03:24 AM »
Why, the XBox will have a THRILLING LAUNCH!  Yessirree.  All of their games will be triple A.  Myself, I refuse to buy any console until XBox comes out - even though I haven\'t seen a confirmed list of titles yet.   But I do know that XBox will have a thrilling launch.

I really don\'t care that Sony\'s doing that to Microsoft; I was pissed that they were doing it to Sega (read it somewheres else).  Microsoft can take care of themselves.  What the hell do you expect?  You want Sony to sit back and do nothing?  These are corporations Rev, and they are all bastards.  They are all evil money grubbing bastards that will pull any trick necessary to screw you and me out of our hard earned money.  That goes for Sony, MICROSOFT, Sega, and even Nintendo.  Don\'t make Microsoft out to be a martyr here.  They\'re evil ****s too.  Microsoft ain\'t pissed that Sony did it - oh no.  They\'re pissed that they didn\'t think of it first.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2000, 11:09:43 AM »
meh, the X-Box might have a good launch. But it will be plagued with bugs and bad games that aren\'t worthy of the
X-Box\'s power. But thats kinda expected at every launch.
\"do we seriously have to shut down every thread that doesn\'t start out gay? Only threads you guys don\'t fuck up are the ones that start gay anyway.\"Videoholic

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2000, 11:14:45 AM »
i only got 2 things to say and they r:

1.i like microsoft!!!

2.y do u talk in 3rd person reverend.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2000, 11:55:51 AM »
Yeah, the Reverend back and badder than ever. After returning my PS2 last month (I simply became bored with it--thankfully I got all my money back--well, it was actually my brothers since I didn\'t buy it), I\'ve been playing Shenmue and waiting for Xbox(major retailers are now taking preorders). However, the Reverend has been laying low letting this PS2 thing run its course. It\'s quite obvious that Sony has shafted both retailers and consumers, but this bit of news is even more shocking.

Genius.  Think of your comments you just made.  First off, you say that the PS2 got "boring" then you claim to be passing the time by playing Shenmue (10 hour game, can only be played once or twice MAX) and WAITING for an entire YEAR to pass for the X-Box, and you claim the PS2 is boring?  Ok, I can see the logic there, but it\'s all heresay so I\'ll let it slide for now :rolleyes:

Reports on the streets (employees of Babbage\'s and Software Ect.\'s) have revealed that Sony has told retailers to take down all Xbox promotional materials and take more PS2 preorders. What if retailers do not comply? Well, the fine folks at Sony plan to pull their PS2 shipments to that store. Hey, I thought Microsoft was supposed to be the evil ones. Just who in the hell do Sony think they are? They are so goddam arrogant that they believe that they can threaten retailers who promote a better console. This is so goddam ludicrous until it makes you want to vomit. This little Sony stunt won\'t go unnoticed by retailers and consumers. Most of all, it won\'t go unnoticed by Microsoft. When Microsoft starts throwing blows don\'t blame them, Sony threw the first punch--remember that. All these anti-Microsoft dillweeds on this board cite Microsoft\'s "monopolistic" business practices, however, they are keen to overlook Sony\'s misteps, and what a big misstep this is.

And this is bad because...?  You think MS wouldn\'t have done it if Sony was coming out with a better console a year from now?  You think Nintendo or Sega wouldn\'t?  Don\'t be so shortsighted, MS is as bad or worse then Sony in many many ways ESPECIALLY those that gain the respective company much more cash.  Kudos to Sony for doing it FIRST as ktulu stated so eloquently.

I hope Sony gets their arrogant asses handed to them this time around. This is dirty **** that Sony has pulled and they won\'t get away with it. This deepens my resent for Sony. Sony just stepped onto holy grounds with their latest stunt.

Holy grounds?  dirty ****?  Get away with it?  You sound like someone who just lost their parents and Sony pulled the trigger.  DOn\'t be so goddamn naive, MS would have done the same thing so you saying these statements is like the pot calling the kettle black.  Basically, utter bull****.

They want to play hard ball with the master of hard ball, Microsoft. They just opened up a can of worms and the following months will be hell for them.

Master of hardball?  MS is master of nothing in terms of consoles.  They got cash, they got PC experience, but they don\'t have home console experience and that can be used to Sony\'s, Nintendo\'s, and Sega\'s advantage.

Every time a anti-Microsoft goon spouts some bull****, remember this move by Sony. Sony seems to think that the success of the PS2 lies solely in their dirty little hands. Screw the retailers, they just keep the PS2\'s warm! The Reverend\'s got a feeling that this **** is going to backfire on Sony so damn bad.

Backfire?  The worse thning that can happen is a year from now, which is when and if this information would have been important if at all true, is that the retailers will put x-box machines in front of sony ones.  What does that mean to lil\' Billy when he makes out his Christmas list next year?  NOTHING.  His parents will ASK for what\'s on his list and the retailers, desperate to make any sale no matter what, will sell those parents that PS2.  Loss to Sony?  Nothing.

Sony practices dirty business tactics, and if this isn\'t an attempt to monopolize the videogames industry then I don\'t know what it is. So if you\'re going to be anti-MS, then you damn well better be anti-Sony too! Be consistent, for Gawds sake! Sony\'s already limping from the botched launch, now their poised to shoot themselves in the only good foot they have left. I\'ve seen this **** before. Success always leads to failure in this industry. It\'s a vicious cycle. I guess it\'s true that success can make the humble pompous, Sony is proving this all too well.

All the companies practice dirty business tactics, I just dont understand why this lil rumor surprises you so much.  It\'s not like Sony is 100% goody goody.  As for monopolizing he market, no.  Sony is just trying to move mroe PS2\'s off the shelves.  "Why think about what\'s coming next year when you can have next year now."  If MS did this first, i\'m sure you\'d be in here praising them saying "MS has pulled another great stunt again" or some BS that makes SOny seem evil and MS seem like saints when the case is true for niether company.  Face it, it\'s a business, they have to make money, and they\'re gonna do it using any means possible.
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Re: of course
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2000, 11:57:33 AM »
Originally posted by CYprEsS
they\'re a huge company and they will use there corporate muscle to get there way when they need to. Difference is people don\'t prefer MicroSoft. SOny doesn\'t have to get its hands in everything unlike MS.

Are we talking about the same Sony who makes VCR\'s, DVD players, TV\'s, digital TV\'s, playstations, computers, laptops, exe. ?
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2000, 12:06:28 PM »
hey davey i got a question for u. if the x-box came out when the ps2 came out and the ps2 comes out when the x-box will come out, dont u think u would have made the EXACT same misstakes and then think the x-box is boring and the ps2 is the better system????????

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2000, 12:14:58 PM »
forget about my last post i posted it in the wrong thread.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2000, 01:11:01 PM »
Originally posted by DJ  FOXTECCA
forget about my last post i posted it in the wrong thread.

Then why don\'t you delete it?

As far as Sony making them take all the X-Box pre-order stuff down, who cares?  It\'s not coming out for a year!!!  They can get plenty of pre-orders after the holiday season.  If I were Sony I would do the same thing.  It\'s done constantly.  Companies bend over backwards just to get into Home Depot.  To get an end cap must be like the second coming.  Why?  Because Home Depot has Power!  Well Sony can make the same types of demands because of the same thing.  Although if they don\'t supply product then screw them..  Put up thos pre-order signs.  That\'s one thing the stores can do to make sure they get units.  It could work both ways.
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