Yeah, the Reverend back and badder than ever. After returning my PS2 last month (I simply became bored with it--thankfully I got all my money back--well, it was actually my brothers since I didn\'t buy it), I\'ve been playing Shenmue and waiting for Xbox(major retailers are now taking preorders). However, the Reverend has been laying low letting this PS2 thing run its course. It\'s quite obvious that Sony has shafted both retailers and consumers, but this bit of news is even more shocking.
Reports on the streets (employees of Babbage\'s and Software Ect.\'s) have revealed that Sony has told retailers to take down all Xbox promotional materials and take more PS2 preorders. What if retailers do not comply? Well, the fine folks at Sony plan to pull their PS2 shipments to that store. Hey, I thought Microsoft was supposed to be the evil ones. Just who in the hell do Sony think they are? They are so goddam arrogant that they believe that they can threaten retailers who promote a better console. This is so goddam ludicrous until it makes you want to vomit. This little Sony stunt won\'t go unnoticed by retailers and consumers. Most of all, it won\'t go unnoticed by Microsoft. When Microsoft starts throwing blows don\'t blame them, Sony threw the first punch--remember that. All these anti-Microsoft dillweeds on this board cite Microsoft\'s "monopolistic" business practices, however, they are keen to overlook Sony\'s misteps, and what a big misstep this is.
I hope Sony gets their arrogant asses handed to them this time around. This is dirty **** that Sony has pulled and they won\'t get away with it. This deepens my resent for Sony. Sony just stepped onto holy grounds with their latest stunt. They want to play hard ball with the master of hard ball, Microsoft. They just opened up a can of worms and the following months will be hell for them. Every time a anti-Microsoft goon spouts some bull****, remember this move by Sony. Sony seems to think that the success of the PS2 lies solely in their dirty little hands. Screw the retailers, they just keep the PS2\'s warm! The Reverend\'s got a feeling that this **** is going to backfire on Sony so damn bad. If the retailers retaliate, they could carry out their Xbox promotions even more aggressively, or even worse, stop carrying PS2\'s entirely (although this is highly unlikely...they need to make money too).
This may come across as a bash and the Reverend appologizes for the level-headed ones in this forum. However, to the anit-Microsoft Sony fanboys, this is a wake-up call! Sony practices dirty business tactics, and if this isn\'t an attempt to monopolize the videogames industry then I don\'t know what it is. So if you\'re going to be anti-MS, then you damn well better be anti-Sony too! Be consistent, for Gawds sake! Sony\'s already limping from the botched launch, now their poised to shoot themselves in the only good foot they have left. I\'ve seen this **** before. Success always leads to failure in this industry. It\'s a vicious cycle. I guess it\'s true that success can make the humble pompous, Sony is proving this all too well.
ReverendXbox...the truth shalt be known!