i don\'t wanna dwelve too deep on this, as qdog really hit it nicely on all points....the bottomline is line that at the end of the day these record companies which have white ceo\'s are the one\'s bankrollin\' the hip-hop industry, and if you come thru with some type of posivite happy go lucky kind of rap music, most likely it won\'t get any air play. And Chizz it really is kinda ignorant of you to have that image of black folk, just because of what you see on tv,...
Paris hilton, lindsey lohan, mel gibson, are but a few white celebrities that could have caused great harm or maybe even killed somebody while driving their vehicle in their drunken tirade.(Lohan was speeding and crashed her car into a tree) And as far as black folk bein\' seen as dangerous crminals? i see your point to some extent as that image is really all that you see of young black youth on a daily basis, but you should still be wise enough to know that all black folk aren\'t like that...
I can easily say that with my interaction with whites whether it be racist cops, or racist people on the job, that i could have easily stated that ALL white people are racist bastards, and that\'s not comin\' from what i see on tv, but it\'s comin\' from what i experienced in real life, but i know all white people aren\'t racist.
Didn\'t Lindsey Lohan get caught with with cocaine in her pocket?...
http://www.yahoo.com/s/657861And now those charges might get dropped....she\'s driving with a suspended license and is a repeat offender,...and all she stated was that the cocaine in her pocket wasn\'t hers...:rolleyes:...you think if this was one of those "dangerous rappers" that they would\'ve gotten a break?...nope...