gman, even tho he didn\'t say it, you can read between the lines,...i\'ve been involved in just about every racial thread there\'s been in this forum, and i myself have been critical of how some black folk behave. What does welfare and the fact that he pays taxes had to do with any of that? He was implyin\' that black folk were the one\'s on welfare and that he was the one payin for it....when in reality there are more WHITE people on welfare than blacks are...again you see how this works?
Already instead of sayin "well there are alot of people in general on welfare" why bring up the story of the black mother and the said mother\'s child tryin to knock over his stroller then tie it all into foodstamps and taxes and such? That\'s were this type of black vs white scenario begins..... sheeit i pay taxes too and my taxes also pay for those people on welfare...whether they are black or white....go back and read beween the lines gman,.. just because he didn\'t say it, one can clearly see where he was going with it.