...It takes big changes to lose weight...not little ones. I\'m already aware of everything you stated. I\'ve just grown tired of all the BS. There are some people who are sincerely trying to lose weight, but they don\'t have the right knowledge to get them to where they are trying so hard to go. The BS in the media and magazines are keeping people fat who are actually trying to lose weight.
They could always just...move more and eat less...that helps a lot.
Also, like you just mentioned, environment also plays a role here too. If you were raise having bad eating habits from your parents. I think neglect and lack of motivation can cause them to gain weight too. Say, if the parents made the child eats a lot, and didn\'t teach them any physical activities. They gained weight.
Like stay home all the time watching tv and play video games but rarely or never take the kids out for a walk or play on the playground or on the park. the kids get fat. Neglect and just leave the kids home nearly most of the time can be bad too as they don\'t know what the world outside is like. Since they are kids, they need to have fun outside to get fresh air and sunlight and physical activies so kids can be kids. So they learn many and get many benefits by doing that too like they are physically, mentally, an emotionally healthier that way, know what the world outside is like, learn how to interact and socialize with other kids. I think that could be of great benefits as they will grow up happy, healthy, and humble.
Which will lead them to have a successful life in the future like success in school, work, marriage, family, friends, relative, handle other situation better as they brains are healthier from getting a good amount of sunlight, fresh air, and physical activities as a child growing up and knowing how to interact with other.
Other benefits include making better and right decisions for themselves, and if they made bad one, its easier for them to learn from it and prevent it from happening again. They are less likely and much harder to get physically, mental, and emotional illnesses like depression for instance if the child was raised properly and appropriatedly. again, the big 3 words are: happy, healthy, and humble.
of course, same could be said if they go to preschool or kindergarden before they start first grade so they can have fun and learn to interact with other kids and stuff.
You see, if they were raised improperly, they would get fat and once they are fat. its hard to get in shape as the works to get in shape are hard and painful. and since they aren\'t familiar with outdoor or physical activities since they were never taught or motivated as a child growing up. it would be harder too.
Also, once they are grown up, works, and other busy schedules might be in the way for them to loose weight if they are fat.
Imagine a mom or a dad who is fat have to work 8 - 10 hours a day, then went home to take care of the kids and do choirs that he or she don\'t have much time for themselves.