This story is just another reminder that racism is alive and well....and to charge these black kids with attempted murder just for whoopin\' the white kid\'s ass for bragging about the noose is just crazy...just read..i\'ll try to pull out some of the major points of the story....;_ylu=X3oDMTBjYzZubXM2BHBvcwM4BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12p55fu7l/EXP=1190137769/**http%3a//"The administrators said that Black students could sit where they liked.
Shortly after the query, several Black students gathered under the tree. The following day, three hangman\'s nooses were looped over one of its boughs. There\'s no mistaking the symbolism of this act. It recalls warnings of impending violence by the Ku Klux Klan and other vicious white terrorist groups permitted to flourish in the South for more than a century. "
"Walters didn\'t help matters by winking at white violence like the beating of a Black student attempting to attend a white Friday night party in December 2006 - the incident was very much related to the school events. The next day a White Jena graduate confronted a group of Black youths at a convenience store with a shotgun. Fortunately, they wrestled the weapon away from him without injury but were arrested for assault and stealing the gun. The gun owner was not charged with a crime. "
"The racial tension in the town came to a head on Monday, December 4, when Justin Barker, a white student who was vocally supportive of the noose hangers and called Black students "niggers," was beaten by some Black students. Barker went to the hospital was released the same day and attended a ring ceremony that evening. The six Black youths involved in the incident were arrested and initially charged with attempted murder. None of the Jena Six has a prior police record."
"In a July trial that turned justice on its head, Mychal Bell was convicted as an adult of aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy. He was found guilty by an all-white jury in a trial presided over by a white judge. District Attorney Walters argued that Bell\'s tennis shoes were deadly weapons because they were used to kick Barker"
^^^That white kid was askin\' for it, you better be ready to go to emergency if you\'re gonna say somethin\' like that and to put nooses under a tree just because some black kids are hangin\' out there? it\'s bulls**t!,....but to charge that kid with murder for beatin\' his ass down is insane, when some white youth\'s beat-down a black youth, they recieved lighter punishment....pathetic...those white racist punks need to understand that this isn\'t the 60\'s anymore and if you wanna do somethin\' as ignorant as puttin\' nooses on a tree you better be ready to have a foot put up your ass and your teeth kicked folk,..especially the youth are not gonna take that s**t lyin\' down....